Are California Whites a sex-link?


7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
I recently got a California White chick out of a feed-store bin. I'm having incredible difficulty finding answers to some very simple questions.

1. Are they truly sex-links, or just hybrids. If they are sexlinks, what is the color difference between male and female.
2. Every picture I can find online between Austra Whites and California Whites look exactly the same, are the chicks really identical?

The feed store had them marked as California Greys, which they clearly are NOT as they are white with black dots...but they get their orders from Privetts which carries both breeds. Thank you in advance for any feedback.
They are not a color sex linked bird but are a hybrid cross between a california gray ( a barred leghorn) and a white leghorn. They could be feather sexed if the hatchery went to the trouble of producing a two feather rate lines. The chicks look identical because they are genetically similar.

ah, California Greys are barred Leghorns...I didn't know that. But Australorps and Leghorns look nothing alike...
No California Grays aren't Barred Leghorns. They take Barred Leghorn roosters and breed them to White Leghorn hens to make California Grays.

Then they take the California Grey rooster and breed back to White Leghorns to get the Calironia Whites. They are basically a white chikens with black splotches on them.

The Austra White I think are a tad bit bigger than a Califonia White. They take Black Australorp roosters and corss to White Leghorn hens to get the AustraWhites.

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