are certain breeds of ducks quieter than others?

ROFLMAO!!! Now you need a sign that says "Beware of Drake!"

Yes, runners (or runner mixes, as the case may be) are demanding and rather obnoxious. However, once your duck starts laying, she should be a good layer, so she may be worth keeping. So long as you carry ear plugs! LOL!
I have two 7 week old muscovys and they only make noise when you bother them, which is good because they warn my flock if they here anything. They are young, but make soft sounds, if only my roosters were so nice.

We have 10 muscovies and they are very quiet. When they all get together they sound like a group of mumbling people, jabbering quietly away in the corner. Once in a while someone will let out a whoop but that is rare.

It is really fun to watch them bob their heads and do their little neck dance with each other.

Mary Ann
Yeah, I DO need a sign! (I'm glad they aren't dangerous or I could be in for a lawsuit!)

And I looked at a website posted here today, and I have a feeling they are more runner ducks than I thought. For a while I thought they might not be, because they don't look like bowling pins on legs like the photos of the breed. But they are just too tall and thin to be "normal" ducks. I guess they're just run-of-the-mill type runner ducks, in fact. They look just about *exactly* like the crested runner on the site someone posted here.

And yes, they are obnoxious!

Then again, if she ever DOES start to lay (she keeps taking on masculine behaviors) ... I'll be glad to be getting those eggs!


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