Are chickens colorblind?

So they have extra good color vision? Hmmm, whooda thunkit.
Oh they see color just fine. My girls HATE my daughter's yellow hoodie but love the purple and blue ones. LOL

As far as treat containers...they think anytime I walk outside with anything in my hand that I am supposed to bring it straight to them...could be bag, bowl, pot, pan glass or colored....they care not, they merely want it.
Mine have learned that plastic bags sometimes contain treats. So they will leap up to waist height and attack the bag, attempting to rip it open so the treats will spill out. I entered the run with a clear plastic bag of scratch, and in less than a second I had THREE birds hanging off of it, ripping into it with their beaks.

Greedy little so-and-sos.

How did the phrase "eats like a bird" ever come to indicate moderation or restraint?
LOL!! My chickens are the same. All we have to do is walk out the side door (where I usually give treats) and they all come running as fast as their little legs will carry them. It doesn't matter what I have in my hands, or what container it is in. They think it's for them. lol

Oh they see color just fine. My girls HATE my daughter's yellow hoodie but love the purple and blue ones. LOL

As far as treat containers...they think anytime I walk outside with anything in my hand that I am supposed to bring it straight to them...could be bag, bowl, pot, pan glass or colored....they care not, they merely want it.
So.. First time having chickens and we bought 4 from Tractor Supply. Two "bantam", straight run, one turns out to be a Japanese Black Tailed Bantam and the other is a full size white/grey/dark grey chicken with a cyst or tumor on his/her chest. The other two are araucanas and I thought only one was blind. He was see light and dark/shadows, but put a meal worm anywhere in front of him and he won't go for it. The second araucana seems to be going blind. By the way, they are six weeks old. It's really weird. They hop around and fly into each other. Not dive bomb but just trying to get the other end of the brooder, where the sound is coming from. Both have seemed pretty hateful toward my other birds, but maybe they have just been a united front. In the same brooder, one week older are two other birds. One is a leg horn who adopted the Japanese bantam and a leg horn/wyandotte.. Both of them are very rowdy as well. Tawanda(Fried Green Tomatoes) and Ophelia(the lh/w who I think may be a rooster) definitely hold their own and "rule the brooder". The grey "bantam", Silvie, is really getting picked on by everyone. I don't have any idea what she is only that she is the same size as the 6 week chicks.

Long story....

Blind chicks?

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