Are drakes like roosters?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
Upperco, MD
Just curious as to if drakes are similar to roosters in their aggressive ways? Can you keep several together? Do they ever attack you like a rooster would? We have 7 unsexed babies and I would hate to have to get rid of any when the become adults.
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Ducks in general aren't aggressive like some chickens are. You defiantly can keep multiple drakes as long as you have enough hens for everyone. Some drakes can get a little aggressive during breeding season but most will not attack you
Usually you can keep drakes together most pair up with a hen or two during breeding season, at least that is how it went with my call ducks. As long as you have enough hens to go around they don't fight. I have even read that you can keep many drakes in together with no females and they get along quite well. I currently have two drakes and two hens sharing the same pen during breeding season but the group has been together for over a year now so that might make a difference. If you happen to have a more aggressive drake you may want to separate him and his mate from the main group. Sometimes the aggressiveness is he is trying to protect his mate during the breeding season.
The worst "fighting" I've seen with my drakes is a bit of pushing. They test to see who is the strongest and then it is over.

The only drakes who will attack people are spoiled pets who are confused about their status in the flock. Attacking people is not normal drake behavior.
I have 3 drakes here and NONE of them would even dare they move right out of my way... I did have one who was a problem, he was re-homed so it does happen all my drakes were/are raised the same way so it wasn't a case of spoiled duck lol

My juvenile drakes do fight... they look partly plucked right now... however i have hens here so they are definitely fighting over those and basic dominance/head drake of the flock itself. I haven't had any massively serious injuries but again there feathers have taken a real beating and there was a little blood one day but they are Muscovy so those nails are something else...

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