Are ducks tame?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 9, 2014
Hey guys, I have chicken and I really like them because they are so friendly and I can pet them/pick them up with ease. However im thinking about switching over to ducks since I heard they lay year round, and makes are quiet (don't have to order chicks all the time) but friendliness is the biggest factor. My cousin had runner ducks and they were very flighty and loud. Thanks guys and gals!
Watch around 0:50 through 1:00


A few of my ducks like to be petted - no one likes being picked up, but there are ducks who enjoy being picked up and cuddled. It depends on individual personality and upbringing, I feel.
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If handled enough as ducklings, they will be friendly. Just like with chickens. But ducks seem to be more flock oriented than chickens, with slightly less individual personalities. But, they are a great joy, and you shouldn't be concerned about friendliness too much. Just pick a more docile breed and love them just like you do with your chickens. You will not be disappointed!

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