Are Hens Loud?

I'm not sure what you mean by loud, but I think my 3 EE hens are pretty quite. They have a decent vocabulary, and do coo, cluck, and squak. But they are in our residential backyard, 20 feet from our kitchen/backdoor, and you can not hear them when you are in the kitchen (at all). They mostly talk when they see us, I'm assuming because they think they will get goodies

I picked up a couple of bantum conchin hens for a friend and had them in my garage for a night (near the EE coop) and you could here them in the house.
My hens are weird they'll all sing along with the egg song sometimes even if it's the neighbors hens across the road who start it.

My roos sing along to and sometimes it's just hiarious to hear them all it chorus.

Except for that song they are very quiet, but I have ducks so it's hard for the hens to get a word in edgewise.
I have RIR's. They love to announce when they have layed. Also I have some girls out on the roosts squawking to tell whoever in the preferred nest boxes to hurry up and get out so she can have a turn. They squawk in the mornings to let me know it's time to let them out.
The loud ones I've had.

A red sex link that thought she was a roo for a while. Loud and scary. She's been rehomed even though she gave us large eggs and a double yolker every now and again.

A california white that doesn't like to shut up after she's laid and egg.

I have a couple of barred rocks who are the same.

No noise from the cinnamon queen, black sex link, buff orp, white leghorn or other EEs. They are all quiet and quite wonderful.
My sexlink is really loud. She'll sing her heart out on her egg song. She protests if another hen is on the top roost. Mine is black, though
My EEs are very quiet except for an occasional VERY LOUD egg announcement. One of my EEs will jump up on top of a bucket, stretch out her neck and bok bok bok BEGACK!! so loud I can hear her in the house. But only a couple of times a month. ??

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