Are my chickens broken?

My Rocks are just 27 weeks old this week, too. Out of 17 Rocks, some Partridge and some Buff, that were hatched on the same day, approximately 1/3 of them are laying. There are some that are close and their combs are getting red, and there are some that don't look close at all. It's a very individual bird thing.

You might want to be prepared for a long wait.
Last year I had two dark brown Leghorns born late April 2011 and they didn't lay a single egg until June 2012. In fact, they both laid eggs IN THE TRANSPORT BOX as they were waiting to be picked up by a lady from Craigslist. I'd listed them for free since they'd never laid an egg. The woman was very nice and said she wouldn't take them since they had just started laying, but I sent them off any way. I just told her it was her lucky day.
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Thanks for the info, everyone! I was going to post about my chickens. I have a russian orloff, salmon faverolle, and a marans and none of them are laying yet. They are all 32 weeks old. I was starting to wonder if something was wrong with them. My barred rocks and Isa browns were all laying by 22 weeks.
My Wyandottes just started laying at 7 months old. My Araucanas who are now 8 + months old have laid 1 egg several days ago and nothing since. She also decided that laying the egg while she was on the roost was a good idea so the ONLY egg she laid broke!
Hang in there! You are NOT alone!
Maybe its good she doesnt lay if they are going to break all over the coop floor. What a mess.....

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