Are my chickens sick? Watching them sleep....


May 9, 2022
My hens are over a year old and I've put a camera in their coop and one in their run. So now, I'm watching them sleep at times, and I'm wondering if their breathing is normal. At times, their mouths are open. It's about 75 degrees here. Could you watch this short video and tell me what you think?? Concerned in Indiana, Lauren
Yes, and we added more openings with screens over them to give them more fresh outside air during the night. Their coop is 5x5x4 foot "box" (approx) inside of a shed. Half of the "box" has hardware cloth over the top of it with a fan blowing across the top (not directly down and into the coop so dust isn't too stirred up). The shed window has a screen and is open too. After I convinced hubby to cut holes on each side and keep the fan on, I couldn't think of more to do for them, and they're STILL panting. I just don't get this behavior! All I can do is pray for them and stop watching (at this point) because other than open their coop door, ??? I could freeze some bottled water and put in there?? They do have food and water in their coop as well. I'm so frustrated and concerned. TY so much for answering.
It's 71 degrees here and muggy. Should be relatively "perfect" weather for them. Ugh...

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