Are my chicks upset?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 28, 2009
Oakland, CA
I have 4 three-week-old chicks who seem to be thriving - BUT: here's the question of the day. All morning they've been peeping like mad, you know, the peep that means there's something bothering them. I can't figure out what it is - they have fresh water, food, all the pine shavings they can scratch around in... in short, I can't figure out what's bugging them. They're growing really fast, so their brooder is getting small for them, so I'm thinking maybe they're upset about being overcrowded? Anything else I should check for? We're going to be setting up a larger space for them later today, but in the meantime I want to figure out what's happening in Pullet Land.

My first thought would be that they are either too hot or too cold. Overcrowding would more likely cause them to peck at each other.


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