Are my ducks the only ones that do this?


9 Years
May 10, 2010
Southern MD
They love to eat the little icicles that form on the outside of their water bowl on really cold days. And when I break up the ice from their pool and throw it out on the grass, they try to eat that too! Weird ducks!
Mine too when I flip their rubber water bowls and break the ice out they all come running and grabbing little pieces of ice. Mine don't eat so much as play with it. Silly ducks!
I have puts treats in water and frozen them and put in their pond... they love it even in the winter. They will nibble on any form of ice.. hope they dont get a Brain Freeze !!!!!!!!!
Gives them something to do for awhile anyway lol
Mine nibble on the ice blocks I break out of their kiddie pool
mine love snow but they only have a chance to eat it a day or two a year and not every year but they are very interested in snow flakes and i have seen them trying to catch them in the air ,maybe they think that snow flakes are insects

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