Are my eggs viable?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 15, 2014

I have a few eggs in my incubator and I'm wondering if there fertile or not its been a about a week. I've never hatch chicks before but I've done ducks. These are barred rock cross rode island reds

I have a few eggs in my incubator and I'm wondering if there fertile or not its been a about a week. I've never hatch chicks before but I've done ducks. These are barred rock cross rode island reds
Only the third image is showing up for me and it looks a little hard to tell. I'd really wait until day ten before candling. But if that's a shadow at the bottom, I'd say maybe? Here's an eggcellent post about candling where you can compare your pictures:
I've never seen anything like the link shows.. My girls and roo are over a year old
I'd really wait until day ten, I don't want to give you the wrong information, but he doesn't look to fertilized. But if it's a brown shell egg, those are very hard to determine what's happening (I know, I have a hen sitting on thirteenish of them and I have issues candling). But if you aren't seeing a little gooey wiggling about or any sign of a gooey (a.k.a the famous 'black marble dot") there is a chance it might not be fertile. But I'd wait a few more days :)

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