Are my hens really "Ameraucana's"


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 13, 2014

Here is a picture I found on the internet that looks identical to one of my hens.

I've been searching on line for a few hours now and cant for the life of me find a list of all the colors and pictures recognized for the Ameraucana breed. I know there's a lot of misunderstanding and misleading information when it comes to Easter Egger's, Araucana's, and Ameraucana's. I LOVE my hens and it's a hobby for me. I currently have 25 of them LOL. My family doesn't even eat eggs very often. So it makes it all the more fun for me.! I do a little egg business on the side by selling them (at a crazy low price). I don't do it to make a profit, just enough to cover feed expenses etc. So like I said it's a hobby that I love. My health has taken me to unexpected places and long story short, I need to thin my flock. The reason I'm posting this is because I know there's many people, breeders, feed store's etc. that are ok with misleading people, I however am not. I want to know that the information I provide when I sell some of my hens is correct. Up until this point I haven't worried about whether the feed store I bought from was right when they said 'Ameraucana'. It didn't really matter to me. They're beautiful birds and I always get excited about the color of the eggs! Who doesn't right?! Anyway, if anyone can help me out with pictures of your pure Ameraucana's and the name of color that would be great...

I already read up on the differences between the breeds and have the facts. I just need a more reliable source than Google Ha!

Thanks So much
They're not that rare, it really depends on where you live because here they're all over..I have blues,blacks, splashes, and wheaten myself. But that is not a recognized color so it's more than likely an EE....though some people do cross breed their ameraucana colors which technically does still make it an ameraucana just not a recognized colored one.
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Technically, unless it breeds true to expected color, and it lays a blue egg, it is not an Ameraucana. If you got your birds from a feed store that had a bin full of multi colored fluffy cheeked babies, it is most assuredly an EE. IMO, EE are wonderful birds, and IMO, they lay better than Ameraucanas. I was under the impression that wheaten was an accepted Am color.

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