Are ornamental ducks tame if raised from hatching?


Apr 1, 2020
I was thinking of hatching some ducks, as I've had them before and loved them. I started looking at some of the ornamental breeds as they are so pretty, but I also want my ducks to be pets. Obviously they're not domesticated, but if you hatch them will they be tame and like normal pet ducks?
I'm still researching which ones will suit me best, but the one's I'm considering are:
Hottentot Teal
Silver Baikal Teal
Chilean Teal
Blonde Carolinas
Silver Carolinas
And one of the breeds of Mandarins

What's been your experience of keeping ornamental ducks?
I was thinking of hatching some ducks, as I've had them before and loved them. I started looking at some of the ornamental breeds as they are so pretty, but I also want my ducks to be pets. Obviously they're not domesticated, but if you hatch them will they be tame and like normal pet ducks?
With my ducks the trick is to hand raise them as single ducks and only keep them with tiny groups of tame ducks. It’s very difficult to keep any non domestic ducks tame. Here are my tame little guys. I have 1 pintail drake, 1 red crested Pochard hen, 1 redhead drake, 1 ring teal drake, 1 mandarin hen, and 2 Muscovy hens from a friend. The ring teal is pretty much a house pet and travel buddy. He’s also harness trained! Lol
I also a picture of my tame swan napping
I would definitely only hand raise one bird at a time. With me I brood them in the house for a couple weeks and if the duckling hears the others it changes their personality it wants the flock. I tried really hard to hand raise a Green wing this year and it was going well but at 2 /1 2 weeks old it died it was weird. Oddly enough the friendliest Cinnamon I hand raised this year would sit on my shoulder a little sometimes but it died at 3 months old it was out in the aviary with the rest of the flock. Mallards seem easier I've hand raised two rescues and they were friendly but when migrating time came the left. One comes back every year with his mate and usually has a nest. I'll try again next year. Here is a video of Shadow a mallard we raised years ago.
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