Are the baby chicks suppose to sleep like this?

Yea I think they're warm enough. Is like 70 degrees or more in the house and outside is 64 and tomorrow is 71 outside. So yea, I'm officially sweating.
is it normal for 1 day old chicks to walk but can't keep their balance right still because mine when is stand up and walk, sometimes it loses its balance. I think it hatch yesterday or earlier today.
70 degrees is definitely NOT warm enough for chicks of that age. You only have 2 so they can't even huddle to try to keep warm. You need a heat source for them ASAP.
Do you know what kind of heat source? I don't have a heat mat or a heat lamp. I saw my Ameraucana was like shaking just slightly a little, so is that cold or scared?
Baby chicks in the wild have the body heat of the mother hen to stay warm. In captivity you should make the honorable decision to raise the as close to natural as possible to ensure their health and well being. Baby chicks that young up to 4-6 weeks need a heat source. Day old start at incubator temp of about for first day or two then down to 90 and down from there about five degrees per week till about four weeks old and about 70 degrees. You should introduce them to outside temps only when the danger of lower is past ... If you want to do what is in the best interest of the baby chics.
She is probably failing. Do you have any hand warmers they use in the cold? A portable heater? At least put them next to the heater and give them some honey water (sugar if you have no honey) Maybe warm your water a tad (not too hot like what you would give a baby)
A lamp or a heating pad cave would suffice. If you are noting shivering I'd move quickly and get one set up. A lighbulb would suffice at this point because in all honestly you are in emergency mode now. In retrospect one should never buy chicks before being properly set up to care for them. Get a lightbulb near them quickly while you go out and buy a more suitable longer term set up for the weeks ahead. I really do hope you do not lose them:(
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some things I have learned the hard way:
You need a thermometer to make sure the temp is correct for the age.
A heat lamp, brooder, pad or even a regular light bulb will do in a pinch bit make sure it is in safe location. Allow an area for chicks to go into heated area and away from it in the same box or brooder, cage or whatever you are using.
Give them chick starter and chick grit and clean water at all times.
Don't leave them in direct sun light in front of a window where the sun may steadily bake them. Keep them away from drafty areas.
Good luck.
I have a space heater and a brooder. But the space heater can only be 85 degrees. Do you think is too hot? When I feel the hot air coming out of it, I think is hot too hot. The heater is directly blow to them.
Allow them room to back away if they need to to cool off. They need one spot thats warm enough

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