Are thees eggs rotten

lisa lisk

9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
Greenfield Iawo
I got eggs in from the post office this morning. I thought that they were fine. After letting them sit out in the kitchen for a few hours I but them in the incubator. I felt movement So I shock 1 egg gently and the inside moved as if it was rotten. Others moved as well. I am very upset, theese were not cheap eggs!
I would say that some of thees eggs are rotten. Am I right? Should I not put the questionable eggs in the battor?
Did you candle them with a good flashlight? Is this the first time you have attempted to incubate eggs?
You should never shake shipped eggs (or any eggs your plan to incubate). More than likely they had a bad time in shipping and became slush. Shipped eggs are very delicate and sometimes even if things do become detached you can sometimes still get chicks from them. If you shake them you have really lost all chance of them hatching.
Sit out a few hours is a little to short of a time for them to settle. I would also asked have you hatched eggs before and read the thread on shipped eggs.
Thanks to all of you. i found some instructions on detached eggs. And I am folowing them. But I think that thees eggs are rotton. I have been raising chickens for more than 20 years. I have bought eggs through the mail and have never had a problem. It is realy upsetting this is my second batch to loos this year because of something that someone els did. But that is the way the ball bounses. If I get 1 hen out of thees eggs I will be happy!! Sorry I cant spell live with it haha
I hope all of you are having happy hatchings.

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