Are these actually Welsummers?

I can't see any welsummer in those birds. If they are, then chances are they're mixed and Cackle is just trying to cover up again. Cackle sent me 2 welsummers, 2 cuckoo marans, and 2 buffs- the only ones that look remotely close to what I ordered are the welsummers. If your welsummers had even a hint of looking red and blonde as chicks, then they're probably some red mix. If cackle is claiming those are welsummers, they are lying. I had Rhode Island Red mixes way back in the day. Red.... and had the chipmunk stripes. They grew out of that chipmunk stage and grew into red with black on the tails and feathers, and yet they laid small, cream eggs. Never turned anything else. Welsummers are chipmunk colored, yes, but they're dark brown and lighter brown with very pale stripes separating the colors on the back... no red. They're not going to turn red then change again later. This makes me worry that my wellies are not wellies either. Probably mutts due to the "rare roo getting over the fence" they always tell me.You'd think they'd fix this "rare" problem.

I have read many complaints about cackle getting orders mixed up, losing them all together, selling sick chicks which wiped out pre-existing flocks with DNA proof it was their birds, selling mixes... my feed store was extremely upset because they order from cackle and they take special orders for individuals like myself. Half of what they ordered was very, very wrong and they apologized to everyone who complained. They tried not to complain about the hatchery they ordered from, but with how many times they tried to hide it, it was plain as day. There were no cuckoo marans shipped, instead, they tossed in all australorps (even though many of us had been assured we would receive cuckoo's since they had no BCM's left at the time), and my buffs (solid yellow chicks) started growing red/gold feathers which look to be possibly a new hampshire/buff mix, almost identical to my new hampshire out in the coop. I'm amazed they got my ducks right to be honest. My feed store lady called and complained enough to them that they had flubbed my first order already and they had at least get the second part right. Such a sweet girl.

I have banned cackle from the list of places I plan to buy from, and am quite weary of large scale hatcheries all together. Cackle has ruined my order 3 times, the 1st having ordered some BCM's, and instead getting some RIR mutts (red chipmunks). I tried them again, thinking it was just a flub, and ordered two amerecauna baby roos, later learning their amerecaunas were just EE's and they sent me 2 red sex link mutts- all white, off yellow with a small massing of brown on the wings which looked oddly thin and tall like game birds. Then this time. They always claim "It's the right breed, it's supposed to look like that, we know you don't.

I know some people who have great luck and great customer service, but not me. Three strikes and they're out. If I ever buy a cackle chick again, it will be on accident at a random feed store that might order from them and my weakness of cute chicks overtakes me.
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I had heard many good things about them, but I had heard many bad things as well. I decided to give them three tries... 3 too many. As I mentioned, some people have had great luck with them and continue to buy from them, but I personally have not, and will not again. My chicks are healthy, thankfully, but they're mixes. If I wanted mixes, I'd let my hens hatch their eggs. I was warned long ago that if I wanted cheap chicks and didn't care about getting mutts or possibly the wrong breed, then go to cackle. It's true enough, at least for me on two accounts, and for the OP as well. They always say their poor customer service is from being swamped with orders, but then again they've been saying that since at least '10 when I saw multiple complaints of them sending ill chicks with ecoli.
I'm sorry, they actually came from Privett. I was looking at a Cackle catalog when I was typing.

I wouldn't doubt if they had something else in them, but they did look exactly like Welsummer chicks. When they started getting feathers, they looked exactly like a previous poster's chicks. It's just when they feathered out all the way, they look too red, as you see :)

The hen looks a little darker in person, so I think she is. It's the roosters that throw me off. I sold one of the roosters to a lady a couple days ago and she said he was doing great with his new ladies. We both agreed he looked like a NH, LOL!

As for Cackle... I have been to their hatchery when I was a kid. Nearly 20 years ago, but I remembered them and thousands of chicks. It smelled just like a bakery and it was spotless! The people were so busy there. My mom had taken me in to get some eggs. I went again on a field trip for my 2nd grade class the next year. It was awesome. The chicks were so loud and it smelled the same. So when I got their catalog in the mail a couple weeks ago and saw the picture of the store, I got all excited. I called because I wanted to order red broilers and a run of bantams. The lady on the phone was horrible! She was snotty, impatient, and a "yeah, okay, whatever" attitude. Totally brought down my memory high. :( I didn't order from them yet.
I bought some chicks identical to these from a local feed store. The store couldnt id them because they were included with production reds and americanas. I got them 4 for a buck each. Still stumped on the breed.

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