Are these BRs all girls?


5 Years
Jul 9, 2015
We ordered all pullets but now that they are about 9-10 weeks old, I just want make sure. Since this is our first flock, I'm not very confident it picking out differences in the sexes yet. I hope you can help!

All look to be pullets. :)

Thanks! I was really hoping so!
One of them is acting roosterish. She's very inquisitive and always runs up to me to peck anything she can find. She jumps up on my back when I bend over to change water or feed them. She is a wild thing.
I have 3 barred rocks as well that are 2 months and look almost identical to yours... And I too have one who runs right up to me pecking at my fingers and toes and wants me to hold her.... She's becoming one of my favorite chickens with her curiosity and friendliness
I have 3 barred rocks as well that are 2 months and look almost identical to yours... And I too have one who runs right up to me pecking at my fingers and toes and wants me to hold her.... She's becoming one of my favorite chickens with her curiosity and friendliness

I love her personality! Mine is also one of my favorites. :)
This pic is kind of blurry but the one in the front's comb has turned red faster and more all over the face. You still think girl? This is the one with the attitude also! Lol

I have a 15 week barred rock that looks just like that. Also all my pullers come running when I walk out the back door. They've learned treats real quick. Several if them will also jump up on my back if I bend down.

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