Are these Buckeye chicks?


8 Years
Oct 18, 2014
I purchased five Buckeye pullets from a hatchery. When they arrived it was immediately obvious that they were not Buckeyes. I waited a week and watched as they started to feather out (white lol) just to be sure before I called the hatchery. They immediately offered to send the correct chicks and I accepted. Those chicks arrived this morning with 5 extra added- beautiful, healthy and lively, but not how I know Buckeyes to look- (much redder, more like a rir) Only one looks like a Buckeye to me. I am aware that there can be variations between breeders and hatcheries- is this one of those cases? I have always been happy with the chicks that they've sent me and their customer service and feel like they tried to remedy their mistake so... Advice? Any Buckeye parents out there who can chime in?
The light one and the dark one are questionable. The rest look like Buckeyes to me. I would not order from them again though. I really question their quality. I'm glad they offered to replace them for you.

My day old chicks were all the same color with almost no variation among them. I know I've shared the photo of them with you previously. Those same chicks are now 3 months old and, despite all of my chicken TV watching, I still have a very hard time telling them apart except that the cockerel has almost no tail, which is normal.

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