Are these chicks Araucanas?


Jun 22, 2015
I bought 9 dozen fertile araucana eggs at an auction and have hatched out the chicks and I'm wondering they are true araucana or if maybe they are easter eggers or ameraucana chicks. hatched from pale blue eggs (a couple almost olive in colour)- didn't look exactly like ameraucana eggs. Anyone familiar with the breed? theses chicks are just under 2 days old. three of them appear to have muffs or tuffs and one looks clear faced. Any opinions would be appreciated.

Also, the shells were blue on the inside as well which is what araucana shells are supposed to be like (I believe)
I'm thinking they are Easter Eggers, possibly that are half Araucana blood. I know that the last is definitely not an Araucana because it has a single comb. The first may be a pure Blue Araucana because I see an ear tuft. The second looks like a mix. The third has a beard and muffs so chances are it is an Easter Egger, but if you live in the UK Araucanas can have beards and muffs so it may be pure. It also could possibly be a Lavender Ameraucana.
Hmm okay. I took a closer look at 20 of the chicks and it looks like maybe they all have straight combs (some more obvious than others). I'm not at all experienced with differentiating combs on new chicks. This is disappointing as I wanted to attempt to raise a flock of Araucanas (even though I know they're proven to be a difficult breed to find, raise and breed). I am going to sell my extra chicks and i guess now I'll just have to sell them as easter eggers.

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