Are these eggs alive


Mar 28, 2015
I have 4 duck eggs and I cant tell if they are alive or dead. They are 12 days old in the pics.




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I would only put it in the coop if there's a broody setting that you can put it under. You don't want the eggs to cool. The rooster is probably just curious.
Someone told me about a method for an emergency, where you put the eggs in a Pyrex glass bowl on a damp washcloth and put a thermometer in there and then put plastic Saran Wrap over the bowl with holes poked in it for oxygen and that will keep your humidity good. And maybe you could put a light on it plus the heat pad and try to get temps to 99. Have you read the assisting guide for hatching?
I need some help. I currently have a chick starting to hatch. He has already cracked the shell but the problem is yesterday I had one chick die while hatching and another die a few hours after hatching.
Now....this incubation was not my first choice. Originally I had two brooding hens that did hatch 5 chicks and that left 5 eggs that were left in the coop without a brooding hen to keep them warm. I took those inside, made a quick warmer with a heating pad and bed pads to cover the heating pad. One egg dropped, I opened it because I thought the chick might have been distress but left the egg attached by the "umbilical" vein and over several hours it started to move around and thriving so after the chickens rooster that night, I stuck the chick under the hens with the other 5. The next morning I checked on the chick and it survived and intrigrated just fine. So that left 4 chick yet to hatch and that's where I'm at now, two have died so far in this makeshift incubator and there's one hatching now and I don't want these next two to die, can any one help me with any information and maybe answers to why they died?. I thought I was doing really well with 6 of 10 hatched and doing well. Please....Please help!!
Just a pic of the hens and chicks

And the way I have the eggs, this pic is of the two that died. The larger one died while hatching and the small Silkie egg-chick died hours after hatching.
my power supply went out on my incubator this past week. I wrapped it up in an electric blanket and it seems to be doing great for a pinch. You might try something similar with a glass or plastic container. Add a cookie cooler/ wire rack to keep above water. I use a thermometer/hydrometer I bought at Ealmart for less then 10 bucks.
If you use a stronger flashlight and candle in the dark you'll see veining and growth. I think I see growth in a few but you really need a better light source and darker room.
They look like they quit to me. Meaning they started but then died. But I could be wrong. Do you see lots of red veins in the egg? Thats how you will know. If there is no veins or just 1 or 2 then they died. If there are lots of bright red veins and you see that blob swimming around then they are alive.
I have 2 others with strong veins, but these 4 I'm not so sure about.
They look like the black spot has gotten bigger though
I have 2 others with strong veins, but these 4 I'm not so sure about.
They look like the black spot has gotten bigger though

How are the veins on them? Usually when when of mine quits it becomes a prominent black blob like that. Compare it to a healthy egg and see the differences. You'll know for sure in a few more days.
Check in a few days to see if they develop. I noticed that you don't mark the egg's air sac. Some people mark them to see how it increases in size as the chick develops.

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