Are these separate layers???


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 18, 2014

Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on this. We had our first egg ever on Wednesday. It was our Spekledy Sparkle that laid it, I know this as I saw her nesting. Although the egg itself doesn't look speckled unless you look really really closely (faint purplish specks). Then this morning I have found our second egg but I am wondering whether it could possibly be from one of our other girls Amber, an Amber Star as she have been crouching this week and the egg is a slightly different shade and size. Also they were laid at completely different times. The first at 13:00 on Wednesday (still warm when I picked it up), the second I found at 09:00 this morning after it had gone cold.

Basically I am just trying to find out if we have another new layer.

Here are the eggs...

The first one is on the right. Any thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance.

Claire x
Chickens don't lay any more than 1 egg every 24 hours. It takes at least 22 hours for them to form a shell. So, if you have two eggs laid less than 24 hours apart, they're from two different birds. Shell color can vary from eggs laid by the same chicken, but not by much. I have one EE, that lays a very light blue egg, almost white. I can tell her egg from the other chicken's, but it still varies in shade of color.
Thanks for your reply, it has been more than 24 hours as the first egg was laid on the Wednesday and now it's Friday. Sparkle totally skipped a day yesterday and I thought she may lay another today. Could she be having a big gap between days because she has just started or do you think this was her second egg this morning that just looks different to the first?

Claire x
Pullets start out slow and irregular, with smallish eggs, and get more consistent, as time goes by. Who laid what, is anybody's guess. You'll have to wait until you get two eggs at the same time, to find out.
Hello everyone,

All this time I have been presuming that Sparkle had lay our first ever egg and then Amber had lay the rest due to the fact that the first and second egg looked different, and the different times of day they had been laid in. However, today I have caught Sparkle in the act again (like the first day) and she has produced an egg that looks the same as all the eggs from last week except for the first lol.These chickens have been tricking me!

So it now seems apparent now that we still only have one layer...Sparkle.

Just hoping that Amber starts to lay very soon as she has been crouching hard for well over a week now bless her.
She even crouched for this picture...

Claire x
Awww bless her heart. I'm sure it won't be long now. My young pullet started crouching three weeks ago.for two weeks now she's given me a egg a day but skips sunday. Yesterday she even gave me one on sunday! She's quite a layer for a little tiny silkie! Don't worry I'm sure she will lay soon. She sure is cute! Best wishes!
WOW...I really should wish more often because that ^^^^ worked.

She has just gone and laid her first egg, and what an egg it is lol...

It is definitely MUCH longer than the ones from Sparkle. Now that 2 Chickens down laying, two to go!

Wow that's her first egg! It's Huge! Wonder if they will get even bigger from now on! My girls usually lay small eggs then they gradually get bigger but your girl doesn't mess around does she! Look at the size of that egg! That's the biggest first egg I've ever seen!

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