are these silkies pouting?

Its Just Us Chickens

11 Years
Nov 24, 2008
I was given a pair of silkies Monday night. I put them in the coop over night. Let them out for a little bit yesterday, put them back up- trying to establish that the coop is home. Today they don't seem to be eating or drinking. I don't know anything about silkies and their habits or personalities. I'm wondering if they're just pouting because they've been moved to a new home, or being cooped up.... or if something is wrong and they're not eating. What do you think?
Yes I've had them pout but.....How hot is it where you are? right now we have a heat index of 102 mine are doing a whole lot of nothing. Are they in with other birds? if somebody is picking on them they won't eat. Do they have huge crests ? they may not be able to see ( this happens ) try tempting them mix some electrolytes in the water.
I'm guessing it's a combination of stress of moving, weather and infamiliarity of new surroundings that's got them down. I'm sure they'll perk up in the next week or two once they're more accustomed to their new place.

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