Are they about to lay?


10 Years
Oct 17, 2009
Rehoboth Beach, DE.
My RIR and SLW pullets are 22 weeks old today and very healthy, of course I am still waiting for eggs. I supplement with light in the coop to achieve 14 hours total light daily. Today 2 of them were in the nesting boxes, moving the golf balls around and rearranging the nest in general. Does this behavior mean they might be laying soon? I took it as a good sign. Any of your advice/experience will be welcome.
I have a bunch of hens that were 22 weeks last Tuesday and my golden comet was the first to lay on Thursday. So far she' the only one. I know how you feel, just when you're ready to quit checking the nest, they leave you a little gift!
hang in there, good things come to those who wait!
Mine Started to squat when I bent down to pet them. Then they come up to me and squat. They started laying eggs the next day.
It gets exciting! tell us when you get youe first egg! I emailed everybody.
They think I'm nuts.
Well, now I am a believer, chickens really do lay eggs. I got my first one today, not from the 22 week old RIR's or SLW's but one of the 18 week old EE's. Go figure. It sure was a nice surprise to look in the nest box and see something besides a golf ball. I hope they keep coming. I posted a pic with a quarter and a large store bought egg for reference.


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