Are they all this smart? Knowing when not to lay in a nest box.


10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
Southern Vermont
Earlier this week I got my first egg from one of my two 14-15 week old Red Stars. She's been laying every other day since then in the early afternoon each time. Three eggs, and they were all in the same nest box.

This morning when I opened up the coop, she was sitting in the box. I thought she was adjusting, and going to start laying earlier, but after about 10 minutes she left the box without leaving a gift.

This afternoon I went to open the run for some free ranging time and I noticed on the ground in the run a "shelless" egg. I don't know who got to it, a chicken or duck, but obviously they made a good meal out of it because there was yolk all over.

I've read all about "shelless" eggs, and I'm not really worried yet about it since this would only be her fourth egg, and I'm sure things are still getting setup properly inside her. I've had oyster shell available for a couple of weeks, and I'm hoping this was just a fluke. My real question is if chickens are generally smart enough to know not to lay in the box if there is something wrong with the egg, or am I going to start finding more eggs in the run? Did her early morning attempt to lay tell her there was a problem?

I'm also kind of upset that my chick/ducks have gotten to taste our eggs already, and I haven't. I was waiting for one or two more before eating any so I could actually have a meal. Sunday morning breakfast would have been nice, but I guess it'll be a small meal with only 3 tiny eggs.
I see the same thing with my birds sometimes. Sometimes all of the nest boxes will have a bird in them and you think you're going to get an egg from each. You go away and come back 30 or so minutes and some of the nest boxes are empty including no eggs....???? I have had shelless eggs as well as soft shells especially when my pullets first started laying.
It very well may be the other hen. The only reason I didn't think it was is because she hasn't been squatting or making noise like the one who's been laying did.

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