are they developing? PICS!

Maybe the pictures just arn't showing?

Are you seeing any cloudiness/mass &/or veining in the eggs?
mass. i can easily see the brown egg, which is probably isn't developing because the mass is so light, while the green eggs i can barly see through but the mass is much darker and larger

On day five the only mass you'd be seeing would be the yolk.....the chick wouldn't be big enough to look like a mass. If it were developing you'd be seeing a network of veins and a dark spot moving around.
I candled on day 5 and i have a olive green egg. I was sure it wasnt fetile. But i waited awhile and i knew it was. For me in green eggs, or blue eggs, it is much harder to see the veining. You have to look really really hard. But to me it doesnt look like the brown one is fertile. Sorry!
mass. i can easily see the brown egg, which is probably isn't developing because the mass is so light, while the green eggs i can barly see through but the mass is much darker and larger

On day five the only mass you'd be seeing would be the yolk.....the chick wouldn't be big enough to look like a mass. If it were developing you'd be seeing a network of veins and a dark spot moving around.

X2. Don't know what I was thinking, asking if the OP sees mass...

Heres my egg at day 7-8.
You can see, the chick isn't really big enough to make 'mass', even on day 7-8.
Look at this ~
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awsome picture
wow that is so clear

On day five the only mass you'd be seeing would be the yolk.....the chick wouldn't be big enough to look like a mass. If it were developing you'd be seeing a network of veins and a dark spot moving around.

X2. Don't know what I was thinking, asking if the OP sees mass...

Heres my egg at day 7-8.
You can see, the chick isn't really big enough to make 'mass', even on day 7-8.
Look at this ~

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