Are they eating their eggs?


In the Brooder
Nov 16, 2022
About a week ago I found an egg in my nesting box, that had no shell. I thought maybe one of my hens had laid an egg without the shell which I understand can happen sometimes. A day later I saw clear goop in the nesting box (essentially the egg without the shell or yolk). I didnt think much of it, until it happened the next day and then today as well. Its not a lot of the clear goop, but its enough to make a wet spot on the bedding in the nesting box.
My question is, do you think this is a hen continuously laying eggs now without shells and maybe someone is eating the yolk? Or do you I've got a hen who's just in there eating whole eggs and leaving a bit of goop behind (sorry for the continued use of the word goop haha, I have no idea what the clear part of the egg is called).
Another thing is I cant see any evidence of broken egg shells in the nesting box... so it makes me believe that they're not eating the eggs... or that they're just really good at picking up everything.
Usually you would see a bit of yolk staining on bedding, in the nesting box or even on beaks if they are eating the eggs.

Try to figure out which hen is laying the egg in question, if it's a soft shelled egg, then I'd start giving her extra Calcium for 1 week to see if that hardens up the shell.

Of course, feed a nutritionally balanced poultry feed and provide oyster shells free choice as well.

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