Are they roos?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 6, 2013
Are these 10 week light brahma chicks roos? I have 7 light brahmas that look pretty much the same with red combs. They have rounded feathers though. Maybe they aren't older enough for pointed saddle feathers yet? I am a 1st time chicken owner. TIA
The 1st one might be, hard to tell. His feathering looks like my roo. However, check those feet. Light Brahma roos have thick large feet. That is how I knew which one my roo was. I could easily pick him out of my 4 other brahma hens. Those birds have huge feet anyway but the roos are thick legged and large thick feet
They all seem to have the same combs and feet. So I'm afraid I may have 7 roos :( here's another one
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