*Are they trust worthy?* RP (Needs players! Please sign up!)

"Your welcome." Damon smirked "night." He turned to walk back to his room.

Codi peeked her head in the door, she saw Jamie and Kurai still talking. So she kept walking, "i'll sleep in damon's room tonight." She thought

Heather walked to her bed. She laid down, but knew she could never be able to sleep.
(Its funny, I usually have my charries not able to sleep XD )
Jesse looked down,
She choaked up,
"Well... me and my brother... we pretty much were on our own... and..."

(Sry had to take my breathing treatment."

"Im sorry." He said and embraced her.
(He was gonna say drama queeny, just to clarify)

"Nothing." He mumbled

"Ok?" She asked more than said and laid down (side to side on the bed.) her feet dangling off the side eyes drifting closed.
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