Are we ready to live outside?

Gosh I hope those are plenty big to be outdoors!! I couldn't imagine having such big ones living in the house.
They sure are pretty birds!!!!
Much like Ozark Hen, I am constantly seeing awsome birds and run off to buy more. That's how we ended up with our new Plymoth Barred Rock pullets. They're just TOO PRETTY with those black and white feathers!!!
Good luck!
The pictures of the adults aren't mine. I found them online!
I was trying to show what the monsters would look like when they got older!
Sorry for the confusion!
Ha. ha that was a good one. It doesn't matter to me if the adults were photos of chickens on line...I still want some like them. Just gorgeous!!
Well, if Hotwing IS a girl and Nugget IS a boy (that's what I suspect), DH is going to have to build a new coop!!! The two aren't related, so I figured, hey, I'll sell or give out the eggs.
Nugget is from an egg I got from BlissChick. Maybe she has some she could sell you....

And thank you for the compliments. I just think they are beautiful. I fell in love the first time I saw one!

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