Are wood ducks laying yet?


Deluxe Dozens
11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Riverside/Norco, CA
a friend of mine is visiting in Louisiana and was asking me if I knew where to get wood duck eggs. I told him I didn't know if they were laying right now, I would ask. So, are they? any die hards have theirs under lights, if they are out of season right now?
EDL, thanks for your answer, and of course...
I am honored that your first post was in my thread! Welcome from Riverside, CA.
Wow! Do you all sell wood duck eggs? I had no idea! I'm currently raising two wood ducks. 1lpoock, what is it like raising Mandarins compared to Woodies?
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Thanks for the info... I was just curious...I see lots of websites selling juvenile pairs of ducks and other exotic birds but not eggs. I live around a 20 acre marsh behind me with wood ducks and many other water & land fowl but I've not seen any Mandarins. The pair of males I have now (avatar pic) came from eggs dropped from a nest in the cavity of my tree which sits on the edge of the marsh. I wasn't sure if they were OK or where they were in they're development. I put them in bator I had set up for guinea eggs and they hatched a week later. They're about 7 mos. old now. Checked your link, you've got some beauties!
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Mandarins are not a native bird, those seen would probably be pen raised birds that escaped.


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