Are you ever really done?

Urban Chaos

8 Years
Feb 9, 2011
just wondering how many of you build your coop and don't touch it again (with the exception of repairs). Seems like every weekend I'm tweaking it - add an outdoor roost, chicken salad bar - change the way the door opens......

Now I'm in the process of designing a grow out coop that connects to the opposite end of the run.

Don't get me wrong, its a labor of love, I just wonder if I'll ever be done
I havent been done since I started. We started with a 6x8 coop then chicken math hit. So we converted a metal shed to a grow out coop but it was too hot so after they had grown some we added onto the orignal copp making it 8x14. Then chicken math hit again so I took over DH wooden shed and had him add on to it. Then we got bantams so I bought a playhouse and DD and I put it together. Now I have too many bantams for it so we are adding onto to the orignal coop again this summer. It will be L shape and will be an additional 6x12. This weekend I have to build a cage in the baby coop for my 3 yes I said 3 broody bantams. Right now they are trying to share one nest.
It seems that every "free" day that we have involves some new, improved thing with out coop. We are on our 2nd coop in a year as our original one was way too small. DH worked on the run fencing, added an interior shelf, jacked up the coop to improve the placement of the foundation stones ... and that was just today. I've been working on some window boxes for the new coop -- almost done with the painting. Hope to plant them and put them up by the weekend. Next "free day" will probably be electrifying the coop. . .then .. . then. . . LOL
Only a coupla chix for a few eggs I says.... Frist the Chicken Castle, the Poultry Palace, the Rabbit hutch sized Hen Hut. The Laying Lair is on the plan board, subject to available materials for building, while I put the last nails into the Chicken Condo.

The Hen Hut proved novel, cute , and sold. Too small. 3x8, walkunder house, tiny yard. Wound up with 18 girls growing there, they got crowded.
im always having hubby build new enclosures.. Right now I have a brooder, a chicken tractor (that im using for my roos right now), a Bantam coop and a LF coop.. I still need a breeder, and a Quail coop xD
Glad I'm not the only one! The grow out coop has replaced the tractor in line of importance, then I'll probably be adding a bantam coop. I'm also not entirely happy with the lack of windows into the coop (ventilation is fine, this is more aesthetics). Tell you what, the local hardware store loves that I started keeping chickens.

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