Are you Thinking of putting your 2-3 week old chicks in their coop?


13 Years
Apr 27, 2011
Capital District, NY
Do it!!!

I did, and it's been great. Tons more room. I have the heat lamp going, but they rarely use it. It's been in the 30s-40s at night.

One week later and all are spectacular! I have Buff Orphs, and banty Cochins.
I put mine outside after about 3 weeks (weather permitting), too.
They get used to the sights and sounds of the "real" world.

I keep them inside a very large dog crate inside the coop so they are protected from the large chickens and they accidentally go outside and get lost or eaten.

I am wondering if it would be ok to put my 6 week old bantam chicks in their outside coop without a heat lamp. Do you think that would be ok. It still sometimes gets down into the 30 at night but is up in the 60- 70 most days.
I am wondering if it would be ok to put my 6 week old bantam chicks in their outside coop without a heat lamp. Do you think that would be ok. It still sometimes gets down into the 30 at night but is up in the 60- 70 most days.

More than okay. I would just lock them up inside the coop at night.
My currently flock in my growing out pen consists of 3 "teenage" girls (hatched sometime in February I think? They look like miniature chickens now instead of chicks), 7 month-old chicks, and I added 3 of our 2 week olds out there the other day. There WAS a mama in there taking care of the 7, but she got over the mothering thing and really the teenagers do quite a good job with the little ones. So everyone huddles up in the nest together at night when it gets cold and they all keep each other warm. It's quite cute. :) I have another 7 2-week olds to throw out there (I'm doing them a few at a time to make sure they're accepted into the flock and don't go try to make their own) and then I'll be down to just my turkeys. Which I was just reading need to be inside for 6-7 weeks...that's MAY. That's a LONG time to have turkeys in my house!
I just put my one month olds in their coop this week and they love it! So much more space and they are really happy about it :)
Put my three bantam chicks out in there coop and they love how much room they have, and I love how much less cleaning i have to do. Soon I hope to put my standered size three week old speckled sussex chicks out with them. I am afraid that the would get picked on though.
Planning to build a 2nd coop this weekend for the teenagers to move into. They need to get out of my house! They are 6 weeks old & need to goooooooo!!!! Thank goodness they can go out in the run during the day.

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