Are your spouses in love as you are?

Everything everyone else said! My husband tolerates them after the shell-shock of initial costs to start a coop (in Alaska, it was over $1,000 for new plywood, etc) and was more tenderhearted after I lost several chicks to multiple dog attacks. Each time he's re-fortified our chick coop with better success. Now he doesn't notice when I secretly add more birds...especially with winter, he won't know what's going on out there! I'm grateful and yes, addicted. Not attached but I have to have 20 or more birds at all times!
No, he's not into them at all. But since he loves me, he will build me coops and fix incubators and haul feed and water and feed them if I'm not home. He helps me slaughter turkeys because they're so big, and happily eats eggs and chicken. But he gets a funny look on his face when I drag him out to the chicken yard and start to go on and on about who I'm breeding and who I'm planning to eat. I know that when his eyes glaze over, he's had enough.
As a matter of fact he is just as in love with them as I am. But only because it doesn't take much. The chickens are utilitarian here.

When it comes to the geese, on the other hand, we're on opposite ends of the spectrum. They too are utilitarian, but I love them and he's... we'll just say not so fond.
Hy husband will sit there an listen to me talk chicken an some what talk chicken back an build me things but other then that... its pretty much one sided... He hates my birds except my Jersey Giant roo an "his" d'Uccle roo..
DH hates chickens. He even hates eggs (he's hated eggs as long as I've known him, so it's not just farm fresh eggs.) I don't ask him to do anything with my birds, I'll even hire the neighbor girl to feed them if I have to be away.

On the plus side, he never goes down there, so I can have as many chickens as I want and he won't say a word.

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