Argh! What is that huge fireball in the sky?


10 Years
May 18, 2009
Wait a minute. I've seen that before, haven't I? I remember now, it's called the SUN! Finally, after weeks of rain, the sun is shining today. Summer has finally arrived and I, for one, am glad.

Now maybe my garden will actually grow and I can sit outside with my coffee in the morning and watch it. (Okay, okay, and weed it, too!)
today it's 66* and cloudy... but a welcome relief to a week of 90's and heat indexes of 100*.

i've lost track of how many times my lawn has been mowed. lots of rain and severe weather and then lots of sun.
The sun came out here at about 4:00, but it'll be gone soon enough, there's a line of storms coming, but it may not get here until after sunset. Then, nothing but clouds until Friday, I guess

We had 21 days of rain this June, that's Boston, I know down here it's more like 24. We're finally a little above for rainfall. Let's see what July brings.
I cant take any more rain right now! And in the forcast its expected until Sunday/Monday!
My veggies are rotting in my strawberries wont grow...
THen before we know it..fall will be here again and it will be cold!
Sun....sun...sun.... Now where have I heard that word before....

Lol Ugh it is HORRIBLE up my way, 3 weeks of misty, cloudy, rainy, humid, yucky weather. I think I have seen the sun twice, and next week isn't looking any better.

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