Arizona Chickens

Ahhhh....look at the fuzzy little toes!! OK running back to my guest room for aversion therapy.

Mikey feed looks great. This evening I am going to ask a couple of questions on face-book and get my order together. Just need to find out if we get a days notice before the truck shows up and what happens if I am late. I will have a pretty good drive and a little planning would help me get out of the house sooner.

OK questions. I let my flocks out to mingle today and this bird shows up. Is it a Hawk??
Sorry for the poor pic quality, sun was too bright to see what I was doing.

I chased everyone into coops. When I did a head count my main roo is penned with the Lav ams and this silly little 12 week old cockerel is trying to mate with all my layers.


That is a beautiful picture of a hawk!

If you can't make it to pick up the feed and Scott can't house it for you, let me know & I'll get it when I get mine.

Free storage (Boy is the control tower gonna have a raised eyebrow on that one!)
Cotton hatched another egg last night and left the new chick to get chilled when she took the others off to eat and mingle with the other chickens. I found the chick [I thought] dead but on the way to the garbage pail I felt a flicker of life so I took the chick in and cupped it in my hands and kept blowing warm breath air on it. The chick slowly came back. I help her for 3 hours and she was peeping away! I have the brooding box warmed up and she is doing all right so far. I even brought the other two eggs in just in case I was lucky enough to have them hatch. They are ready to hatch but not sure if they got to chilled or not. Those eggs will be doomed either way so giving them a chance. I have them under the lamp also. OHHH if I only had a bator! . I will name it either Shamrock [if roo] or Clover [as in 4 leaf clover, if hen] One lucky chick! I hope she doesn't get nuemonia! Hey I hear a lusty chipping coming from my room! Yea!
I will send pictures soon as I can figure out how to load AGAIN!!! I hate this new systum!

Great story! I found a "dead" chick soaked in the monsoon rain a few years back. Warmed him up, and the next evening put him under his momma and aunt. (They were broody at the same time and shared a nest.)

The little guy survived and thrived, and grew into a handsome bantam light brahma roo. I named him Longshot Kick de Bucket after one of my favorite songs!
Welcome to BYC Arizona, Selina!

I name my roos, drakes, and toms (only one of each at a time), but not the hens (with few exceptions). I like to say that while individuals come and go, the flock is eternal. (Maybe I can give them Borg designations like Seven of Nine?)

You may not have a huge amount of knowledge and experience, but you have something no-one else has: your perspective. So if you're not posting answers, ask your questions! Don't be a shrinking violet!



Thank you Bryan.

So far I guess my only questions would be:
  1. Has anyone here ever been sickened by their birds? from handling, eating, eating eggs? What caused it and what was the remedy?
  2. Have you ever lost a chick due to handling? Specifically children handling them.

I have my kids wash their hands very good after handling the birds to try to avoid any sicknesses. I really want the hens to be comfortable with my girls when the girls start caring for the coop and run. I worry though that the chicks will get sick or my kids will get sick. I've only had the chicks since Saturday. I do have them in my living room to make sure they are safe and warm.

I am starting to think that what I was told were New Hamp. Reds may actually be Buff Orphington's. Does anyone have pictures of 2-3 week old chicks so I can tell the difference? I have what I believe are RIR as well and they have brownish patterned wing feathers while the other three that I think are Buff have only blonde, no patterns in their wings and a just a tad bid darker blonde on the back.

Oh, and I am just LOVING...totally LOVING... watching the little chicks do their thing. Last night one of them was doing what I'd consider 'Dusting' at only 12 days old I was quite surprised to see this. At first I thought she might be in trouble as it appeared she was flailing about. After one of her 'sisters' walked over the top of her and made her stand up she got back to work with the wing flapping as if to try and bury herself. I couldn't help but laugh as she was covered in saw dust.

Another of mine, that I am hoping is not a roo, tends to act either like the big sister or the watcher. She's one of the Barred Rocks. She stands to sleep and when she finally collapses on top of the other sleeping chicks, all of the chicks stand up and then she stands back up. They all lay back down but her, go to sleep and the cycle repeats.

The sweetest natured in the bunch so far is the Ameraucana, named Parmesan. I am waiting to name the others as I have yet to be able to differentiate them.

I know I am just rambling but they are just so darn cute.

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I went chicken outlaw w/o DH full consent. He is tolerating them but I let them free range in our tiny backyard and for some reason they want to sit by the patio door. They have poo'd all over the patio. Can I train them with a water gun or something? I don't want to be mean to them but I am sick of scrubbing poo off the patio.

I know someone who was successful on limiting crowing with a squirt gun.
fuzzybird- that is so sad. this year we had a bunch of seramas hatch the day before me and DH left on our first ever trip without kids to a wedding in las vegas. I couldn't relax the whole time becuase I was worried about them. 2 did die becuase they got away from the momma and got too cold. It never is always when you are gone.

I like to give mama with baby chicks a heat lamp so that nowhere in the brooder is too cold for wandering chicks.
We know when you've been sleeping. We know when you're awake. We know when you post and lurk, so don't lurk for goodness sakes!

Welcome to BYC Arizona!!!


Bryan, I think there is a penalty for bad poetry when it's out of season.. Five yards and loss of down, or maybe you have to get more chickens, whichever is most severe.... Will...
I had a close encounter with a Cooper's hawk this evening. Found this guy INSIDE the run, eating a dove. It wasn't frightened of me in the slightest and let me walk right up to it to photograph it while it dined.

I like to give mama with baby chicks a heat lamp so that nowhere in the brooder is too cold for wandering chicks.

Hmmm, I would have to figure out something. This should be my last hatch unless my old girl Sage decides to lay, before it gets warmer.
I have learned a lesson in this. If the rest of the eggs don't hatch by the time the chicks are ready to go out with mother than take the chicks to a brooder until the others hatch and ready.
Is that a good plan? Little chicky is still doing good. I sure hope the other two eggs hatch!

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