Arizona Chickens

Ok, so someone either sqeezed to hard pushing this egg out or it cracked from falling of the coop. I actually think that it may have fallen out when one of the girls was jumping out of the coop to come get food or something. Who knows but what I do know is that I have gotten 4 eggs so far today. 3 are from layers that just started in the last week. One is a 1st time egg (olive easter egger next to green egg from adult easter egger), one is severely deformed, one is cracked and the other from an adult. I should get one more adult egg today and perhaps another young ones egg. I love having chickens. My chickens are the easiest pets I have.

Quote: Mikey- I think Hemet Dennis had the most current contact #

WOW you got great response on that one. I saw your question, but ran out to take care of birds the time I actually posted everyone else had ya covered!!!
Thanks Bootsie. I gave this one to Tammy as well.

She is going to call them tomorrow morning and schedule a swab.

Gretchn's sister is still rattling and flopsy is flopp'n again.

Although the Vita-sol fixed up Flopsy last time.
Bootsie, thought you might like to see the marans we got from you. One of the hens is a blue orpinton. One of the hens are not in the picture for she was laying. We get eggs almost everyday but not aways the same hen. Do have two that lay adult colored eggs now tho.

Sonoran Silkies I have been trying to read the whole Painted Silkies thread. Slow going but I have learned about black breeding to the paints and the controversy about using white. I wanted to know if you or Aurorarose use black or white to breed with the paints and if you do paint to paint? I assume to use either black or white the hen or rooster in question should also have black or white parents? Here is better pictures of my paints I got from the eggs I got from aurorarose. I guess I have a Loud paint? Daisy was born white and now shows she is a paint. Can you tell by the pictures if PoppyCock is a cock? I am pretty sure Daisy is a hen. They are now 15 weeks old.

Just had to share a few pictures. I was trying to get some pictures of the young turkeys and Gabriel was constinatly getting in the way! I think he likes his picture taken! I lost several pictures but kept this one of him.

Gabriel is a pretty boy!

Goldy Girl
On Saturday morning I went out to say hi to our 6 girls and found our 1st egg. Was so excited. The egg was perfectly sized, brown color, etc. I was told that often the 1st few eggs are small, odd shaped, etc. but still perfectly healthy to eat. This led me to believe my sneaky family was playing a trick on me but the egg was so warm that I knew it was from our coop. :)

Well I went out in hope to find our 2nd egg yesterday and again today and no egg. Have others experienced this where you get 1 egg and none for a few days? Is this normal? I was not sure. We haven't eaten the 1st egg yet but probably will today.
That's what happened to One Dot.

She layer her first, took the second day off, then 4 straight in a row.

All were double yolkers.
Ok, so someone either sqeezed to hard pushing this egg out or it cracked from falling of the coop. I actually think that it may have fallen out when one of the girls was jumping out of the coop to come get food or something. Who knows but what I do know is that I have gotten 4 eggs so far today. 3 are from layers that just started in the last week. One is a 1st time egg (olive easter egger next to green egg from adult easter egger), one is severely deformed, one is cracked and the other from an adult. I should get one more adult egg today and perhaps another young ones egg. I love having chickens. My chickens are the easiest pets I have.

I get some with weird striations & grooves & lumps too - yep from One Dot!

She is also partial to soft shell eggs.
Sorry about the little boy. That must be rough. Hope he pulls through.

There are more and more stories about people getting bitten by snakes that didn't warn them. I suspect this is because people have been killing all the rattlesnakes they find. The snakes who give warning by rattling get found and killed. The snakes who don't rattle live to reproduce. The killing is backfiring on us in the long run. It's like breeding chickens for particular traits. We're culling the well-behaved rattlesnakes and keeping the sneaky ones.

I believe in urban/semi-rural areas, there is some selection going on with the rattlesnakes. I think in general the selection is not only toward not rattling, but also toward a more mellow attitude as the feisty ones will get killed also. The rattlesnakes I have in my yard are pretty laid back. There was one coiled near the path to my poultry pens this morning. It was about 3' off the path, a small one, not within striking distance. I walked back and forth past that snake about 4 times. It never moved. I kept my eye on it. They can sense when you mean them no harm and act accordingly. If you get all bent out of shape, they will act accordingly. If you just stand back and watch them, they will just go about their business. If I had kids, I might think differently about leaving them in the yard. For myself and my partner, the desert mantra is always "Watch where you put your hands and feet".

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