Arizona Chickens

Simple for you!!

Thanks for the info....looks like my Wheaten Roo isn't as Wheaten as he was supposed to be!! I am not surprised. His hatchmates were all re-homed as EEs for various other faults.
It's actually pretty basic. If you understand Punnet Squares, this is how recessive white works:

Recessve White
(not white, not carrying white)

(not white, carrying a hidden copy of white)
(not white, carrying a hidden copy of white)

What does everyone prefer...layer crumbles or pellets? do you have to soak the pellets? I've been feeding crumbles but there seems to be quite a bit of waste and the chickens like the larger pieces and leave the small stuff behind. What are your thoughts?
Thank you!!

Yes, visually in a punnet square it is very straight forward. I think it just never dawned on me that the WA roo would have a recessive white gene. When I read about Chicken genetics it makes sense (after carefully reading each piece of info 10 times!!). It's later when I am thinking about it that it all gets fuzzy.....I just need to keep reading to remain fresh and clear. That goes for the simpler stuff....but as I read about the millions of variables, it all gets very very Mucky in my brain.
What does everyone prefer...layer crumbles or pellets? do you have to soak the pellets? I've been feeding crumbles but there seems to be quite a bit of waste and the chickens like the larger pieces and leave the small stuff behind. What are your thoughts?
Pellets for me are easier with less waste...nope don't soak just fill your feeders. Of course the starter/grower is a crumble, don't think there is a way around that.
What does everyone prefer...layer crumbles or pellets? do you have to soak the pellets? I've been feeding crumbles but there seems to be quite a bit of waste and the chickens like the larger pieces and leave the small stuff behind. What are your thoughts?
I just switched to pellets the middle of last month (all though they are more like little sticks) and then i've been mixing in 5% DE. My results are either less waste or the birds ust don't like it as much as there is oftern times pellets still in the container. I'm still just using a small feeder like this:

Most of the time the feed is just at the bottom of the white container and other times a fourth of the container is still full. With the crumbles the feed was always gone all the way to the bottom with powder the only thing remaining when I would refill it the next day. So the pellets are either less likely to fly everywhere or the girls just don't like it as much. I don't recall the brand right now, but I got it at Higley Feed. The crumble I was using came from Cactus Feed and it was the purina unmedicated brand. When they were chicks I used the purina medicated crumble feed.
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Thank you!!

Yes, visually in a punnet square it is very straight forward. I think it just never dawned on me that the WA roo would have a recessive white gene. When I read about Chicken genetics it makes sense (after carefully reading each piece of info 10 times!!). It's later when I am thinking about it that it all gets fuzzy.....I just need to keep reading to remain fresh and clear. That goes for the simpler stuff....but as I read about the millions of variables, it all gets very very Mucky in my brain.
Don't try to learn it all at one. Focus on a little piece at a time, and when you really know it well start learning a new piece of information.

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