Arizona Chickens

Voted! - if you click share, then go to FB and copy the link, when people click it your photo will be the first one.

Good luck!
Thanks Mikey.

If everyone could vote again today, that'd be great. I'd love to win some of these great chicken prizes. Scroll down past all the contest entry stuff and click Vote. Thanks in advance.
Ok, so most of you don't post when your girls lay an egg, but I can't help it!!! Today is the first time that I have gotten a bakers dozen and I am expecting 2-3 more eggs today. So the bakers dozen didn't just happen today but over a bakers dozen since Sunday. Used to take my two girls two weeks to make me a dozen and it's only taken three days. Whoop whoop. Here's my variety. Time to get my friends and family to save up them cartons.
Memphis- That baby Goose is just too cute!!! I sometimes see Guinea eggs for sell on the BST threads here. You could hatch some out for her.

Mikey- Glad to hear your Hen is better!! I love Tylan also...I heard Denagard is even better. (no withdrawl time, won't create resistant strands) I bought some, but luckily no one has gotten sick since it came.
Ok, so most of you don't post when your girls lay an egg, but I can't help it!!! Today is the first time that I have gotten a bakers dozen and I am expecting 2-3 more eggs today. So the bakers dozen didn't just happen today but over a bakers dozen since Sunday. Used to take my two girls two weeks to make me a dozen and it's only taken three days. Whoop whoop. Here's my variety. Time to get my friends and family to save up them cartons.

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