Arizona Chickens

I looked more into the fish treatment and found this post:

"Perhaps your vet should try another antibiotic?? My hen had bumblefoot last year. I soaked her foot every day for 2 weeks in Tricide-Neo, and the only effect was that her bumblefoot got worse. IMO Tricide-Neo is a waste of money. I was lucky enough to find an avian vet, who prescribed the antibiotic Cephalexin for 21 days. It worked. He recommended no surgery on her foot due to the risk of introducing further infection and complications . Months later, the dead necrotic material inside her foot worked its way to the surface, where I was able to pull it out with tweezers. Because it left a hole, I used Neosporin on her foot and wrapped it with VetWrap for a week until it closed. It has been several months and her foot is good as new, no evidence of active bumblefoot. Cephalexin works. Again, it has been my experience that Tricide-Neo is expensive and a waste of money."

Tricide-Neo is the medicine that treats bacterial infections in fish.
So far so good here , What causes this bumblefoot?
I didnt know you could in the buy-sell-trade section?
If you started an AZ sell thread I think it would go in the Chicken show, meet up section. There are several trade/sell threads there. Here is a link to one There are as few more if you look through that section. It would probably be best to get with a mod for pre-approval. I think it is a great idea and would list my extras!! Be sure and post a link if you do it.

Edit x 3, because I can't type today!!
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I moved my little BO into the dog crate to keep her secluded. She's still not quite herself. Along with having low energy, she's sqinting at me and is really clutsey. She isn't using her wings at all so face planted when she jumped off the roost. I put a little DE under her wings and gave her electrolites. I also checked her poop and it looks grainy - like barley. Any ideas for what else I should do or just keep watching her. I'll keep you all posted.
Hi there,

I am new to the Chicken community, however my girlfriend has already posted our recent bout with sour crop in one of our 6 three month old hens. What an adventure. Actually massaged the crop, to no avail, puked it all out for her twice and then learned of the ACV in the water, and yogurt, olive oil and scrambled egg diet for her. Three days and she was a normal hen again. Anyway, I have been letting them free range in the back acre and had built them one of those A frame pens when they were little and they have been roosting in an old dog kennel. Now it has come time to build the chicken coop. I am curious to find what has worked for others here in Arizona...we live in the East Valley just so you know.

I have chosen to build a 4x4 elevated chicken house with roosting bars and 3 nesting boxes. I have 6 hens and have read that we don't need a nesting box for each chicken. I have also thought of cooling for my chicken house...wondering what people have done.

Happy Pecker to the AZ Chicken forum, There are lots of folks on here from your area you will get to know very soon. What kind of chickens are you raiseing? I myself am in Wittmann and raise Silkies here along with a few miniature animals .
i let the almost 4 week old ducklings out of their new duckie pen yesterday so they could swim in the bigger duck pool. they were doing just fine under the shade of the lemon tree and swimming around when one of the muscovy girls came over and stopped their party and jumped in. they freaked out and started running towards MY POOL(which is pristine now) and the kids and my MIL are swimming in it. they went thru the fence bars and started jumping in, one by one. ALL 15 OF THEM!
the kids start yelling, i start yelling and jump in after them in fear they will drown in the big pool or worse, poop in it. so the fireman comes out of the house and sees the chaos of the ducks in the newly pristine pool, me in it in my clothes trying to scoop out ducks before getting caught and the MIL laughing at me. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. keep lounging there, no no, i don't need any help. yes, i am a terrible wife and mother. oops, did i type that or think it?
Hey Pastrymama , thats pretty cute and to bad the fireman did have the video camera going , you could have won that on Familys Funniest Videos.. Thanks for painting the picture for us all
i let the almost 4 week old ducklings out of their new duckie pen yesterday so they could swim in the bigger duck pool. they were doing just fine under the shade of the lemon tree and swimming around when one of the muscovy girls came over and stopped their party and jumped in. they freaked out and started running towards MY POOL(which is pristine now) and the kids and my MIL are swimming in it. they went thru the fence bars and started jumping in, one by one. ALL 15 OF THEM!
the kids start yelling, i start yelling and jump in after them in fear they will drown in the big pool or worse, poop in it. so the fireman comes out of the house and sees the chaos of the ducks in the newly pristine pool, me in it in my clothes trying to scoop out ducks before getting caught and the MIL laughing at me. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. keep lounging there, no no, i don't need any help. yes, i am a terrible wife and mother. oops, did i type that or think it?
Noel - you know I love you but that image is funny as hell!

We need a live video feed!

Please post picts of the ducks - I've not seen them in a while...
Hey all, been offline a few days. Brought one of my girls in to do an exam. I try to do this at least once a month. She has a bald belly. She has not been broody from what I can tell but she hasn't laid in over a week. Her pelvic bones seem to be closing. Her belly is the only place she's got noticeable feather loss. She's eating and drinking like normal. She comes out of the run when I open the gate in the morning. She comes running to see if I have a snack when I go outside. Could she be going broody? Could she be starting a molt? She's not quit a year old and is a Blue Jersey Giant.

I do have to EE's that want to sit in the nest boxes. One that was purring when I'd open the nesting box lid and ruffling her feathers all up. They both lay eggs every other day. The one that was ruffled was sitting on her own egg and a golf ball. The other will get in after another hen lays and egg. None of them will stay all day or even half a day for that matter but they will stay for 2-3 hours in one sitting once a day. Normal? I am sure it's normal, but going broody?

What chicken would want to go broody when it's 105+ in the coop during the day. It's 85 under the coop (deep shade and wet) where they hang all day.
For Meow - the purring & ruffling are broody
To "tarp" or not to "tarp", that is the question. Will having a tarp on the top of the run as a shade provider actually hold in heat? Would I be better off using shade cloth? I have a tarp on about 1/2 my run (on the roof only to keep out sun and rain) but I was wondering if it actually holds in more heat than if it weren't there. I have misters all around the run too. Any thoughts or suggestions for what you all are using? Is anyone using a tarp (the vinyl type you find in all the camping sections)?
As long as you have air flow - the tarp will make it cooler.

Picture Mikey's family at the dunes under a tarp in the middle of the day...
Hoppy bobbing for apples

This is her good eye - she keep the left one closed most of the time.

Action shot - though you can see how beaten up she has gotten.

Mama definitely wants her out of the sink!

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