Arizona Chickens

Do you really have an Aardvark running around in your back yard? :)
LOL, no, but you asked what would eat ants; as we have a lot of ants right now, I wouldn't mind having one in the yard, though. And I HAVE hand fed an aardvark. FWIW, they love bananas. And have a slimy, somewhat "sharp" tongue (think of it as being kind of like a cat's tongue).
Quote: I've seen several Giant anteaters up close and personal in the wild in Central and South America. They are awesome ant and termite eating machines. Apparently, they're pretty dangerous since they can't see well and have tremendous claws with which to defend themselves, so probably not suited to backyard ant-eating duties. I wonder if, historically, there were similar ant eating creatures that roamed the southwest?

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I have a question for everyone. My cage gets muddy from the rain. They like to go under the coop when it rains but there is mud everywhere else. Does everyone just leave the dirt or am I suppose to put something down on the ground of the outdoor cage like hay or straw. I noticed that wet hay and grass clippings stink and I was trying to keep the smell down. I have pine shavings in my small coop area on the floor but I don't thing that would cover my cage area well because of the size. I would think in the winter the ground gets cold to walk on too.

I plan to keep a heat lamp in in the coop area come winter. The floor of the coop is open to the ground below the area where they roost on the one side of my coop. It is like their secret entrance into the coop from underneath...LOL I am hoping it doesn't get too cold come winter but the air flow is nice in the summer.

Also I have Miracle grow bags of dirt. Can I use that to line under the coop? Is that a no no because of the chemicals in the dirt? I was just thinking it would be nice to have soft dirt to scratch instead of the hard packed clay soil we have.
I'd stay away from the pre fertilized dirt. The less chemicals the better.

Is there a way to raise the floor/dirt level in the coop so it will not flood?
I throw straw in that should actually help with the smell (hay might have to much nitrogen in it that can cause the rotting smell) since the poop wont just sit on top of the hard clay. Please do not use the Miracle grow bags,they are to toxic. When you do deep straw it actually helps the soil underneath stay moist so wormies (which chickens love and are good for them) can harbor there. Mine now after 1 year really start to dig deep into the soil. Like little rototillers. So I suggest straw.
Cool!!!! I will go today and get some straw, thanks!
Ideally, the elevation of the run should be slightly higher than the surrounding area so that water can run off before it makes a muddy mess; perhaps you could build it up with a few bags of sand? I added enough soil to my run so that it was originally about one inch higher than the surrounding area. Then I also added sod every winter on top of that. Consequently, the run is now about three inches higher than the area just outside the run. I don't know how many years I'll be able to keep that up before I have to remove some soil. The good thing is that the run never has standing water in it. I don't think I'd recommend adding hay or straw as a means to alleviate the water problem because that will ultimately hold moisture and keep the soil from drying out. Hay can cause it to get pretty stinky too if it gets wet. I think that most folks have just plain dirt on the run floor. Having said all that, every week or so I spread out a fresh flake of alfalfa in the run for the chickens to scratch at.

I don't know about the Miracle grow soil. I'm sure they put fertilizer in it, but I'm not sure in what form or if it's in a form that would be something that chickens might like to peck at. You're right though, they will like having an area with softer dirt for dust bathing. Do they have an area now with soft soil that they dust bath in? Do you compost? Finished compost would be great mixed in with the native soil.

My coop is on a hill slightly higher than the rest of the yard, I do not have any standing water in the run but it still gets muddy until it dries. Maybe that is ok and normal for them. I was not sure. I could add more dirt. Any ideas on where to get it cheep? I love the sod idea. I am going to try that. What is a flake of alfalfa? I have added sand before under the coop but it just disappears after they scratch in it. I have some spots that are softer that they like for a dust bath but it is not great. I need to make a dust bath area maybe. I do have some rocks mixed in with the dirt from our landscaping. I need to get those out. I do not compost but my mom does. I will get some from her. Maybe I will take the compost and put it under the coop where it stays dry so they have soft dirt for dustbaths and to sit in. What about adding leaves? bugs like to hide in the leaves.
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Happy Birthday Selina!!!

I haven't been on, so I know it's late, but thank you. I had a great birthday. My husband bought me my first high end designer purse, which I returned to Dillards and headed to a discount store an bought 2 Coach Purses, a Coach Clutch, and a Michele Kors Card pouch/wallet thing. All for $270+tax. I scored!! If anyone is interested PM me. I have some 50% off coupons! Send me a SASE and I'll send you a coupon. PM for address. The Boutique is in Chandler and it's called Carried Away.
OK. I just got home from work, and I went to open the run door so my girls could come out and play.

I know I am going to spell this wrong, but I have five wyendots(sp) and two RIRs in this coop/run chicken tractor.

One of them laid her FIRST egg. I brought it in to show it to Phottoette, and she doesn't understand my happiness. It's a tiny egg, just a little more than two US Quarters placed side by side. I'm sure this is from the only bantam I have, one of the wyendots. (OK, go ahead and make fun of me) I just wanted chickens at the time I bought these, and they looked 'cute.' And I don't know one breed from another, except the RIRs are so HARD to miss as anything OTHER than RIRs.

Congrats. First eggs are always eggciting. Looks like and eggcelent first egg to me.

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