Arizona Chickens


I plan on using chain-link/dog kennel structure for my run. The top will even be chainlink, and there will be hardware cloth extending at least 18" up the sides and out under the planter boxes surrounding inside and/or outside the entire run.

What about using aluminum metal screening (as in rolls for screen doors) to cover the rest of the side walls upward from the hardware cloth, and extend it over the entire top of the run to keep out those small, pesky birds? I haven't been to ACE Hardware lately to see what the prices are The run will be fortified on four sides and the top to begin with to keep out the serious predators, and the screening should be enough to keep out those wild birds wanting a free meal. It won't keep out the tasty bugs, though.

Hate to do a repeat, but this is just a pen sketch of my potential run, subject to MANY changes, possibly 10x20 or 12x20, surely enough for six hens max and a small coup. The interior run amenities will come last...outside perches, dust baths, carpet, panelling, misters, spa and salon etc. I may have to call in Candice Olsen or the Property Brother twins from HGTV.

But on a serious note, I don't want the run to be Prissy and fu-fu, but very practical and functional to keep the gals busy while I'm at work. Maybe try to create a miniature ecosystem in this barren back yard. They should be well fed and tired by dusk. No coup decision yet, but plan on keeping the pop door open 24/7 when I do decide.

Okay, gotta do dinner then wheel this 300+ LB Hammond organ and 200 LB Leslie back to the back of the house to the family room. I didn't get to play at the Leo Rich Theatre last month.--BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona

I know you mentioned you were going to work on the interior amenities last, but a thought crossed my mind when I was reading this. With the size of the enclosure, to keep them entertained, a cat entertainment center might be an excellent idea if you can find one cheap or free on Craig's List or something. Multiple levels for roosting, a small enclosure for hiding out or a nesting box, places to jump from and jump to. One similar to what's shown below would be awesome, I would think. If I had the room for a full size coop, I would definitely design something like this. Heck, I might even be able to figure out a smaller scale version for my 3'dx5'wx3'h coop that I'm still working on. I have to make a couple of roosts this weekend.

I know you mentioned you were going to work on the interior amenities last, but a thought crossed my mind when I was reading this.  With the size of the enclosure, to keep them entertained, a cat entertainment center might be an excellent idea if you can find one cheap or free on Craig's List or something.  Multiple levels for roosting, a small enclosure for hiding out or a nesting box, places to jump from and jump to.  One similar to what's shown below would be awesome, I would think.  If I had the room for a full size coop, I would definitely design something like this.  Heck, I might even be able to figure out a smaller scale version for my 3'dx5'wx3'h coop that I'm still working on.  I have to make a couple of roosts this weekend.


Looks great, but hard to clean. Chickens poop A LOT.
We harvested our first tilapia tonight. The first two I could catch with the net, each just over 1.5 lbs. They were simply amazing. The BEST tilapia we've ever eaten. Not bad for the desert.

Good for you! How exciting. I have been tossing around the idea of aquaponics.

Hey, I finally built a coop for the girls. I got a used 10'x10'x6' dog run/kennel and transformed it. I will post pics.

Congrats on the tilapia Gallo!
We harvested our first tilapia tonight. The first two I could catch with the net, each just over 1.5 lbs. They were simply amazing. The BEST tilapia we've ever eaten. Not bad for the desert.

That is incredibly awesome. I really want to get a hydroponics system set up, too, but there's just never enough space in my yard... About how long did it take for the fish to get to that size? It doesn't seem like all that long ago that you had dug the hole and started your system.
gallo i am so jealous of your setup. i told my husband and dad all about it and even showed them the pictures you shared, so maybe there will be one in my future

congrats on the tilapia!
Thanks everyone. I think we got the fingerlings in mid to late May (I'm not entirely sure). It takes only about four months from fingerling to edible size with our summer heat. It really doesn't take all that much room, I grew these and about 75 others in a 4' X 8' space. Most people use IBC totes which occupy even less area. Not too bad given all the vegetables we got out of it too. Plus, the chickens will get what was left over after filleting them. Tomorrow I'm building a solar water heater to keep them alive and breeding over the winter. I'm really hoping it doesn't get too cold tonight for them.
If the temps drop too low, it'll be a big day of cleaning fish tomorrow.
Thanks everyone. I think we got the fingerlings in mid to late May (I'm not entirely sure). It takes only about four months from fingerling to edible size with our summer heat. It really doesn't take all that much room, I grew these and about 75 others in a 4' X 8' space. Most people use IBC totes which occupy even less area. Not too bad given all the vegetables we got out of it too. Plus, the chickens will get what was left over after filleting them. Tomorrow I'm building a solar water heater to keep them alive and breeding over the winter. I'm really hoping it doesn't get too cold tonight for them.
If the temps drop too low, it'll be a big day of cleaning fish tomorrow.
Our fingerlings died last winter. Hubby put in a heater but that wasn't enough to keep them alive. (they never stayed close to it) I like your idea of a solar heater.
Our fingerlings died last winter. Hubby put in a heater but that wasn't enough to keep them alive. (they never stayed close to it) I like your idea of a solar heater.
Did you rear out the adults that produced the fingerlings before they froze? I did some experiments earlier in the spring (before I had fish) using 1/2" irrigation tubing laying out on the ground. It worked quite well at raising the water temp in the tank but wasn't very aesthetically pleasing and I had to manually turn it on every morning and off every night. I've decided to make a 4' X 4' thermosiphon heater contained in a glazed box. Hopefully it will function without the need of pump and heat the water enough to keep everyone alive. I'll post pics as I build it today.
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so i went out last night to candle eggs under the plethera of broodies
i ended up tossing 3/4 paint silkie eggs under the two broody silkie girls and 1/4 EO eggs under the basque girl. i went to check on the harlequin duck, who is not due until halloween, i had kicked out her 2 broody mates since they all kept stepping on the eggs and cracking them. much to my surprise, she was sitting on a brand new runner duckling! mama duck bit me and flew out of the box, so i put the baby in my pocket and went in the house. the fireman looked at me like i was up to something and i simply explained that i didn't know where it came from. it was too early and they weren't following the rules. 28 days for duck incubation, not 23!!!!! he tells me i have lost control of my farm. i put the baby back with psycho mama and hopefully baby is still fine this morning. i haven't been out yet. i need to go get baby duck feed since i am unprepared.

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