Arizona Chickens

My Aurcana is finally laying!!!! Yea! She is my scissor beak one too. Her beak is way crooked. She can eat fine, she scoops it up. I wasn't sure if she could get enough nutrition to lay an egg because of her odd beak. Her egg is big too! You can't tell from the picture but it is a pretty blue/green color. It really stands out. She was the last one to start laying. We bought her as a chick from the mesa feed barn in back in April.

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My Aurcana is finally laying!!!! Yea! She is my scissor beak one too. Her beak is way crooked. She can eat fine, she scoops it up. I wasn't sure if she could get enough nutrition to lay an egg because of her odd beak. Her egg is big too! You can't tell from the picture but it is a pretty blue/green color. It really stands out. She was the last one to start laying. We bought her as a chick from the mesa feed barn in back in April.

Almost certainly an EE if you bought her from a feed store.
We do not use chemicals either.. I do however like the oil on the legs.. Coconut gets firm when cold.
By the way we have not ever had mites yet... But this is great to know for us newbies..
The crabbing fishermen use wd40 when we were in Bandon OR.. My dad & brother love to go crabbing.. I love cooking up the crab cakes..
I prefer not to use chemicals but I was shocked by the presence of mites as I had never seen them before. Also I did not have a ready source of wood ash and still do not but paln on finding dome in the future (after I moved back to AZ). They are valuable for use in the garden soil also for more than one reason. I do not add chemicals to may soil and need to hand pick cutter worms and other insects which destroy plants.

The mite infestation on the neighbors chicken was very bad. I did not see it initally.
Had all the "kids" in the yard this afternoon so I could snap some pics. The big girls had just gone back to their run and then they all screamed. Mr/Ms. Hawk flew over the run and into the tree eyeing my silkies still in the grass. I ran to the "kids" snapped this pic and scooped up all three and took them back to their coop. I am glad that these three don't run from me. They seem to know that the orange crocs mean safety.

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