Arizona Chickens

I'm a bit behind in posts, so maybe someone has already addressed your brown egg laying EE. The only thing I can say is that it is believed that the blue egg gene is closely related to a pea comb. I would be interested to see a picture of your EE. Also, I THINK the blue egg gene is dominant, so it would be rare to have a true EE lay a brown egg. Maybe SONORAN SILKIES can chime in here, she is much more knowledgeable about genetics than I am!

I confirmed it was my EE that lays the cream egg. I only have 4 chickens and 2 of them have been laying brown eggs for over a month and the 4th chicken is a Welsummer so the cream egg HAD to be Eleanor's but just to be sure I coop stalked her yesterday and she popped out the light cream egg. She has a pea comb, willow legs, muffs, and beard. I have read numerous places that blue is dominant. I have seen pictures of people who have EEs that look almost identical to mine but theirs lay blue eggs. I guess she's just super special and I got the rare cream egg laying EE. Her egg is not as stark white as a grocery store white egg, it definitely has a slight tint of cream so it's actually quite pretty.

Yesterday's eggs RIR, BSL, and EE

I confirmed it was my EE that lays the cream egg. I only have 4 chickens and 2 of them have been laying brown eggs for over a month and the 4th chicken is a Welsummer so the cream egg HAD to be Eleanor's but just to be sure I coop stalked her yesterday and she popped out the light cream egg. She has a pea comb, willow legs, muffs, and beard. I have read numerous places that blue is dominant. I have seen pictures of people who have EEs that look almost identical to mine but theirs lay blue eggs. I guess she's just super special and I got the rare cream egg laying EE. Her egg is not as stark white as a grocery store white egg, it definitely has a slight tint of cream so it's actually quite pretty. Yesterday's eggs RIR, BSL, and EE
Well she sure is pretty! I like that cream colored egg. I get so caught up in browns, blues, greens, I forget how nice a white egg can be! I have one white layer, a buttercup, but she hasn't started laying yet.
I confirmed it was my EE that lays the cream egg. I only have 4 chickens and 2 of them have been laying brown eggs for over a month and the 4th chicken is a Welsummer so the cream egg HAD to be Eleanor's but just to be sure I coop stalked her yesterday and she popped out the light cream egg. She has a pea comb, willow legs, muffs, and beard. I have read numerous places that blue is dominant. I have seen pictures of people who have EEs that look almost identical to mine but theirs lay blue eggs. I guess she's just super special and I got the rare cream egg laying EE. Her egg is not as stark white as a grocery store white egg, it definitely has a slight tint of cream so it's actually quite pretty.

Yesterday's eggs RIR, BSL, and EE

What are the chicks that look like they've got dark eyeliner on? Local feed store has 'em mixed in with some barred rocks and others but the eyeliner chicks are sooooo cute!
What are the chicks that look like they've got dark eyeliner on? Local feed store has 'em mixed in with some barred rocks and others but the eyeliner chicks are sooooo cute!

Welsummers usually. I got mine at Western Ranchman on Bell. The dark defined eye liner and the more defined dark V shaped stripe on the head helps distinguish the pullets from the roos as chicks. The boys have more faint muddy liner and head markings usually. My Miss Tea turned out to be a very pretty chicken, I'd say she's quite good quality for a feed store bird. She's loud and has a mean face but she cracks me up. Still not laying yet at 26+ weeks though. Stubborn witch.

Like this one? This is an EE chick I hatched out. I think a few different breeds can have the eyeliner. This little chick had a chipmunk stripe too. It's sibling is in back and is all black with a white breast. Same parents.
Welsummers usually. I got mine at Western Ranchman on Bell. The dark defined eye liner and the more defined dark V shaped stripe on the head helps distinguish the pullets from the roos as chicks. The boys have more faint muddy liner and head markings usually. My Miss Tea turned out to be a very pretty chicken, I'd say she's quite good quality for a feed store bird. She's loud and has a mean face but she cracks me up. Still not laying yet at 26+ weeks though. Stubborn witch.
I've heard Welsummer take more than 25 weeks to start laying in most cases. Mine is 22 weeks & I'm anxiously waiting. Her & my oldest EE are the same age but neither are laying. They will be the next to give me eggs tho....I can't wait!!
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Welsummers usually. I got mine at Western Ranchman on Bell. The dark defined eye liner and the more defined dark V shaped stripe on the head helps distinguish the pullets from the roos as chicks. The boys have more faint muddy liner and head markings usually. My Miss Tea turned out to be a very pretty chicken, I'd say she's quite good quality for a feed store bird. She's loud and has a mean face but she cracks me up. Still not laying yet at 26+ weeks though. Stubborn witch.

She is very pretty. I also got my RIR, BR, and Ameraucana from Western Ranchmans. I love that place as they are very helpful and priced well. I looked at another store first that I will not name but they had chicks all piled in together without red lights and numerous ones were being pecked to death. It was disgusting. My girls have turned out to be great birds and very lovable. Good egg layers and about the same age as yours.
Twinklin, my EE looks very similar to Eleanor. I've never noticed that the EE's like ours can look so much like a Welsummer's coloring till now. Probably because I've never really looked at a welsummer before!

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