Arizona Chickens

I've heard that you do have to get. A license to raise the bluegill and such. I wouldn't mind if it isn't too much. What people don't know won't hurt them either. Brim/sunfish whatever are amazing to eat IMO. I love how bright white and flaky the meat is. So who all here has a aquaponics system? I'm jealous because by the time i got a set up going it'll be time to move. I'd like to pick someone's brain on the subject so I can use this time to plan.
In Tucson, we have the Tucson Aquaponics Society that meets once a month at the UofA Agricultural center. There may be something similar in Phoenix. Check out the Practical Aquaponics website, it is a lot like this one, with more info than you can absorb.
As far as licensing for keeping gamefish, it's not the fees I object to, it's the constant government bumbling errr....meddling, I mean.
I've heard that you do have to get. A license to raise the bluegill and such. I wouldn't mind if it isn't too much. What people don't know won't hurt them either. Brim/sunfish whatever are amazing to eat IMO. I love how bright white and flaky the meat is. So who all here has a aquaponics system? I'm jealous because by the time i got a set up going it'll be time to move. I'd like to pick someone's brain on the subject so I can use this time to plan.
OK this took waaaaay long than I thought. Lots of stuff at the AZ G&F web site to slog though!

For "possession" of fish in the state of Arizona here is what I found off the Game and Fish web site.
"No person shall have in their possession
(in the field, in c
amp, in transit, or at
permanent residence) more than two daily
bag limits of any fish species. Fish are in
an angler’s possession whether on hand,
in cold storage, in transport, at home, or
elsewhere under their ownership."

For some fish like sunfish there are no bag limits, others might be one or two fish.

However in the same PDF I found this...
"Anglers may transport up to a possession
limit of any fish species.
• It is illegal to transport live fish, including in
live wells or other containers. All fish must
be killed or released before transportation
from the body of water. This does not apply
to some live baitfish that are transported
from licensed bait dealers."

So it is evidently illegal to transport live fish from AZ waters. can get a Wildlife Holding License and it is free.
I'm thinking an aquaponics system with "wildlife" in it could be considered educational?

BTW you don't need a permit for Japanese quail (coturnix) but do for pretty much everything else that is a quail.

K9Dave I know that people move with their aquaponics systems. But if you know you are moving within the next year it might be better to wait. Then again, you could set up a small system and see how you like it and what did and didn't work for you so you can make a bigger better system at your new place.
Sill, is clay and terracotta lids made out of the same thing?

Not all clay is terracotta. Stoneware and porcelain are actually types of clay but terracotta is a low-fire type that is more porous so it absorbs water better. You can usually find Italian or Mexican terracotta but the Mexican type is mostly very low fire and falls apart two soon. Italian lasts much longer. The Italian type will say it's made in Italy. I know Walmart, Depot and Lowes all sell it. Make sure you don't get the glazed or painted kind, it does not absorb water and will be much hotter!
OK this took waaaaay long than I thought.  Lots of stuff at the AZ G&F web site to slog though!

For "possession" of fish in the state of Arizona here is what I found off the Game and Fish web site.
"No person shall have in their possession
(in the field, in c
amp, in transit, or at
permanent residence) more than two daily
bag limits of any fish species. Fish are in
an angler’s possession whether on hand,
in cold storage, in transport, at home, or
elsewhere under their ownership."

For some fish like sunfish there are no bag limits, others might be one or two fish.

However in the same PDF I found this...
"Anglers may transport up to a possession
limit of any fish species.
• It is illegal to transport live fish, including in
live wells or other containers. All fish must
be killed or released before transportation
from the body of water. This does not apply
to some live baitfish that are transported
from licensed bait dealers."

So it is evidently illegal to transport live fish from AZ waters. can get a Wildlife Holding License and it is free.
I'm thinking an aquaponics system with "wildlife" in it could be considered educational?

BTW you don't need a permit for Japanese quail (coturnix) but do for pretty much everything else that is a quail.

K9Dave I know that people move with their aquaponics systems.  But if you know you are moving within the next year it might be better to wait.  Then again, you could set up a small system and see how you like it and what did and didn't work for you so you can make a bigger better system at your new place.

May be 2 years so I may try it. I have a handful of olants in pots now and they're on the verge of dying. I know I should put them in te ground, but my dirt is so bad here.

So if you bought the sunfish from a farm as fry them you could have as many as you want because there's no limit on how many you can have? Is that right? They'll make great catfish bait and prob a great way to control my population. You have a system? They have one out at the VPA Orchard along with a bunch of chickens. I was thinking of volunteering there but haven't decided yet.
Hello all!
I was wondering if anyone had suggestions of breeds of chickens that forage well, relatively quiet, deal with the desert heat well, and lay rather infrequently...that last part might seem odd, but I would prefer a breed that lays less instead of more. If anyone has suggestions that would be wonderful, thanks!
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Get some 2 or 3 year old Rhode Island Reds or Black Australopes. Lots of people have older hens they want to replace so they might even be free. Both are calm birds and deal with our heat well as long as they have shade and water. Both are brown egg layes. Older hens of any breed will be calm.
I am in Glendale. 
When it is very hot, I do set up a mister where the chickens can get into the mist if they want.
I have used a portable evap cooler but they seemed to prefer standing in the bleed-off water to cool their feet to being in the strongly moving air. They do have the run of the yard so will seek out the less hot places. I have lost older chickens during the peak of the summer and I'm sure the heat played a part.

So glad you joined... :welcome
What breeds do you have?
Hello all!
I was wondering if anyone had suggestions of breeds of chickens that forage well, relatively quiet, deal with the desert heat well, and lay rather infrequently...that last part might seem odd, but I would prefer a breed that lays less instead of more.  If anyone has suggestions that would be wonderful, thanks!

Most all chickens forage quite well.. We have has so mant different breeds, none have fed in the het of the summer.. Last year we got to
118, remember? Most stop laying in the summer, when they go broody ect...sometimes I go to;

Meyer has good discriptions of chickens.. All what you are aking is listed, plus real photos.. Keep us posted. :highfive:
This all sounds exciting.. We think ducks are rad, but now our own fish.. Yum.. We might have to check this out.. I have heard of a family around Dobson & the 60, they turned their pool into a tilapia-green house- Eco system.. I will have to look for their info or try to remember who told me about them.. From what I recall they have a pool business..
Check out Not sure if it's the same people you are talking about but they have a similar set up and are doing the aquapontics systems all over the valley. I have volunteered on a one of their projects to have the behind the scenes experience. It was really interesting. They are always open and inviting to volunteers. Just an FYI

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