Arizona Chickens

had no idea this happens ! Is this a common thing?? Bubmle foot?

Bumblefoot usually happens with heavier breeds. I watch my English Orps for any sign of limping. It is when a cut or scratch on the foot becomes infected, it then must be treated. I don't know if I would call it common but it can happen.
I agree with City Farm, give it a few days you still might get more hatch out.
I'm going to wait, but the humidity has really fluctuated a lot.....still hopeful.

Thanks for responding.
@City farm Today is only day 23, I'll hold off a bit longer. Maybe the float test? The Marans eggs are so dark.
I had one that didnt make it out of the egg, never pipped. After day 25 I opened it up and it was dead, I guess it just quit, I dont know why.

I also had one hatch at day 24.
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A big THANKS to moms3cuties and K9Dave for picking up some of our hens today.  It was great to meet both of you!

We still have 3 EE's left (2 rust colored and one white) and one Maron if  anyone is interested in adding to your flock.

Just talked to some neighbors that would like to start raising chickens. By chance do you have a coop? They don't..

They will have to wait for a free coop.. Hope you feel better soon..

@City farm
    Today is only day 23, I'll hold off a bit longer.  Maybe the float test?  The Marans eggs are so dark.

I had one that didnt make it out of the egg, never pipped. After day 25 I opened it up and it was dead, I guess it just quit, I dont know why.

I also had one hatch at day 24.

Not sure if I would do the float test.. Just give them till day 28.. Yes, our darker egg's re hardere to see as well.. You can tell if they progress.. They are heavier in weight. The ones that did not progress are lighter in weight.. Which breed hatched at day 24?

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