Arizona Chickens

I went to the rare fruit growers spring sale this morning. I swear I was only going to get two plants, but it's sort of like chicken math.
There were so many varieties of fruit I've never seen before and all of them were grown locally. The prices were very reasonable. Some of the plants I got are seedlings and others just cuttings so look like twigs stuck in the pots but all have buds at least. I got Passiflora Arida, Rajapuri banannas, loquat, two varieties of black berries, Blueberry seedless grapes and Guamuchil. I got there shortly after they opened and they were already sold out of weeping mulberry which was the main thing I was looking to find.
They will be having a fall sale too, can't wait!
We had strawberries from the farmer's market this morning. My 11 year old tells me she will no longer eat store bought berries. I asked why? She said, MOM do I even need to answer that?? So it looks like I need to find some strawberry plants haha. I wish I was close enough to go to that plant sale. I did get a few things from one here in Yuma but we don't have the variety that you guys have there in Phoenix. There is a farm that grows citrus, apples, peaches, and blackberries. I'm going to ask them if they ever sell plant starts or if I could steal a cane or two from their blackberries. Then my life would be complete. Yeah...right... until the next plant I see that I want. LOL.
I went to the rare fruit growers spring sale this morning.  I swear I was only going to get two plants, but it's sort of like chicken math. :rolleyes:   There were so many varieties of fruit I've never seen before and all of them were grown locally.  The prices were very reasonable.  Some of the plants I got are seedlings and others just cuttings so look like twigs stuck in the pots but all have buds at least. I got Passiflora Arida, Rajapuri banannas, loquat, two varieties of black berries, Blueberry seedless grapes and Guamuchil.  I got there shortly after they opened and they were already sold out of weeping mulberry which was the main thing I was looking to find. :barnie They will be having a fall sale too, can't wait!

STOP.. chickens and plants! It's just too much for us. I'm glad somebody doesn't mention miniature dwarf sheep and dairy cow.
STOP.. chickens and plants! It's just too much for us. I'm glad somebody doesn't mention miniature dwarf sheep and dairy cow.
There are mini sheep - Babydoll Southdown Sheep and they look like little teddy bear faces. Then there are the Zebu, the Belted Galloway, Dexter, Panda, Lowline Angus, and if I were somewhere cooler, the Highland, to name a few of the diminutive cattle breeds. And let's not start with the yak! They have soft, downy fiber that I love to spin, but our climes are a bit too warm for their tastes.
STOP.. chickens and plants! It's just too much for us. I'm glad somebody doesn't mention miniature dwarf sheep and dairy cow.
LOL I am beginning to think I need an intervention group. I am up to ten paddocks for my different breeds of chickens and need more built for the ty fly birds I ordered. HELP.. LOL they are so addicting.
Well one good thing about having a small back yard. There are only so many chickens I can have before I'll get in trouble LOL. Our city allows 20 in town, no roosters that can crow. So right now I have 19 because I gave away my rooster. There is no way I could have 10 paddocks plus have a garden. I think my garden might grow into my front yard. I have several weedy beds that would look great with pretty herbs and veggies. No HOA here so I can do whatever I want yay!
Update on the chickens. Just candled the eggs in the bator and it looks like at least half should hatch. Hoping, hoping.... I have Black Copper , Blue Copper and White Marans in bator number one. In the second one I have Pure Cornish and some marans. In the paddocks outside right now I have a coop with a RI roo and barred rock hens to breed for Sex Links, a coop with a Cornish Roo and Barred rocks for meat birds, also have a pure Cornish hen in with him. Next paddock has sex links. On order arriving soon Isbar's, and two types of Cochins and ty fly birds. And yes I could not resist I have 6 hatching eggs on the way for the pure black birds that are black inside and out. Those cost too much so I was only able to get 6 SOOOO super hard hoping those hatch out good.. My hubby said we might need to slow down on getting more until we see how these do. He is a sweetie letting me have this many.
so addiciting like chocolate LOL
Well one good thing about having a small back yard. There are only so many chickens I can have before I'll get in trouble LOL. Our city allows 20 in town, no roosters that can crow. So right now I have 19 because I gave away my rooster. There is no way I could have 10 paddocks plus have a garden. I think my garden might grow into my front yard. I have several weedy beds that would look great with pretty herbs and veggies. No HOA here so I can do whatever I want yay!
Space is not an issue here we are on 5 acres. I would love to have a garden too hopfully later this year. Did put it 8 fruit trees though
We had strawberries from the farmer's market this morning. My 11 year old tells me she will no longer eat store bought berries. I asked why? She said, MOM do I even need to answer that?? So it looks like I need to find some strawberry plants haha. I wish I was close enough to go to that plant sale. I did get a few things from one here in Yuma but we don't have the variety that you guys have there in Phoenix. There is a farm that grows citrus, apples, peaches, and blackberries. I'm going to ask them if they ever sell plant starts or if I could steal a cane or two from their blackberries. Then my life would be complete. Yeah...right... until the next plant I see that I want. LOL. 

Both Walmart and Home Depot have strawberry plants in the garden section, probably Lowe's too.
I went to the rare fruit growers spring sale this morning. I swear I was only going to get two plants, but it's sort of like chicken math.
There were so many varieties of fruit I've never seen before and all of them were grown locally. The prices were very reasonable. Some of the plants I got are seedlings and others just cuttings so look like twigs stuck in the pots but all have buds at least. I got Passiflora Arida, Rajapuri banannas, loquat, two varieties of black berries, Blueberry seedless grapes and Guamuchil. I got there shortly after they opened and they were already sold out of weeping mulberry which was the main thing I was looking to find.
They will be having a fall sale too, can't wait!
I love my weeping mulberry - and I paid dearly for it too! But I was always one person late to getting one - so when I was at a hoity-toity nursery and they had a 5 ft one I grabbed it and ran............... did I say I love my weeping mulberry............

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