Arizona Chickens

I was taught NOT to wash the eggs because it will destroy the protective, anti-bacterial coating. Instead, if it amounts to more than a few small spots of poop on an egg you can gently sand that off with a fine grit sandpaper or Scotchbrite pad, being careful not to sand into the shell. A little bit of poop on an egg isn't enough to cause a problem. A lot of poop...that's a problem.
4 of them were covered with it they should have never shipped eggs that soiled or the one that is very long and narrow. I won't buy from them again
I was taught NOT to wash the eggs because it will destroy the protective, anti-bacterial coating. Instead, if it amounts to more than a few small spots of poop on an egg you can gently sand that off with a fine grit sandpaper or Scotchbrite pad, being careful not to sand into the shell. A little bit of poop on an egg isn't enough to cause a problem. A lot of poop...that's a problem.

I hatch a lot of eggs. If there is one that is soiled just a little bit, I take a warm damp paper towel and wipe it off. If it is soiled quite a bit, and I still want to try to hatch that egg, I wash them under warm water. I've been known to wash them under cold running hose water also
. Then I write "washed" on the egg for my own education to see if they hatch after my rough treatment. Usually they do.
I'm the proud new mom of sextuplets Turkens! I'm guessing their birthday was around St. Patrick's day so they will have Irish names but until I know them a little more and can tell the same colored ones apart better I'm not going to name them. Only one has a completely naked neck, I picked the least feathered necked ones I could find. The lady at the feed store thought I was a bit crazy for looking so closely at every one they had but she also said she wished more people were as excited about them as I was. I have no idea what colors they'll be other than the black ones of course but I don't care, I'm just so happy and also nervous since they are so tiny and fragile!


Brooder made from an old toy box of mine


All the chicks learning to eat/drink in their new home


"Dirty blonde" chick 1


"Dirty blonde" chick 2


Black chick 1


Black chick 2


Darker "dirty blonde" chick with brown stripes down back


Yellow chick with black/brown stripes down back
The dirty blondes might be buffs and the dirtier blonde with the stripe might be partridge
They are nice looking birds. Hope you do show them. The County Fair is coming up if you want to show them this spring. The Tucson Poultry Pigeon and Fancy Fowl Club usually has a small October show and then the big show in November. You do have to submit entry forms ahead of time. If you join the poultry club you will get entry forms mailed to you with the newsletters :)
They are nice looking birds. Hope you do show them. The County Fair is coming up if you want to show them this spring. The Tucson Poultry Pigeon and Fancy Fowl Club usually has a small October show and then the big show in November. You do have to submit entry forms ahead of time. If you join the poultry club you will get entry forms mailed to you with the newsletters :)
I hope so too!
I'm just wondering if anyone else has any birds that hold their poo all night like my Franny does? I usually open the coop before I leave for work so it's dark still but now the sun is coming up earlier and when I open it up she flies out and has the biggest, dog sized poo every morning, it's normal looking, just jumbo sized! I actually did think it was a dog since I found a stray but today I saw with my own eyes that it's her. I've noticed there is no poo under the roost too.
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I'm just wondering if anyone else has any birds that hold their poo all night like my Franny does? I usually open the coop before I leave for work so it's dark still but now the sun is coming up earlier and when I open it up she flies out and has the biggest, dog sized poo every morning, it's normal looking, just jumbo sized! I actually did think it was a dog since I found a stray but today I saw with my own eyes that it's her. I've noticed there is no poo under the roost too.

Wow. That's a new one! The closest thing I've heard to that came from a young man who told me his Polish rooster taught itself to use the doggy door to go outside and poo so it could hang out with the guy(then a kid) while he was in the house. He said that rooster would literally spend the entire day in the house and would never poop anywhere indoors.

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