Arizona Chickens

I feel like I'm having a bad run of chicken luck lately.  Tapeworms, flys, rattlesnake...well, now a few of my meat chicks have what look to be bite marks on their rumps.  Would a nasty rodent bite them?  They roost for the night on the ground, so toes and such wouldn't be available to bite.  OMG.  I'm almost positive the injuries are NOT peck marks either, so yeah, it's probably whatever making the tunnels that allowed the rattlesnake in.  I put them in the big coop last night, and set a live trap inside their coop.  The trap was sprung, no rodent--it's a packrat sized trap, so a mouse would probably fit through the wire.  I also hardware clothed any tunnels into, but it's a losing battle--they've already dug over 18" down in one spot.  Can rodents develop a "taste" for blood...aren't they usually herbivores?  I'd feel so much better if it were pecking damage and not freaking something eating them at night.

Anyway, a couple of the wounds may need something on them.  Should I apply Blue Kote?  Vet RX? 

Havent been on lately , yes use something. We use the jell vetricine.. Probably spelt wrong.. Anyho
You need to borrow our carin terrier.. She will take care of your rodent problem.. Hope you capture the culprit!!!
Hi everyone I am sooooo excited
my newest hatch is pipping and the first one trying to come out of the shell is a Ayam Cemani ohhhhh I hope it is solid black and okay no problems. It is hatching a day earlier than expected. Pacing the floor right now
. BTW I am going to be letting my proven breeding pair of dark Cornish go I am going more towards the Maran breeds and need the paddock so if you are interested PM me
I am beyond ****** off really my chick came out with pink skin and then the next one came out golden fluff and then a dark brown followed by two black ones with greenish legs. Not an Ayam Cemani in sight.
I contacted the breeder and they said they sent me the wrong box of eggs. REALLY???
I asked what did I get and all they can tell me is barnyard mix. They are sending me the correct eggs next week. So now I sit and wait........... I do have another batch of Cemani or at least they better be hatching next week will keep you all posted.
Phoenix posters:

I'm having terrible trouble keeping the fly population down. Last year was an issue as well so this year we put up 4 fly strips and 2 fly bag traps (stinky but very effective when you see the dead flys in the bags). I also put pine shavings around 4" thick in the run hoping the flock would cover their own mess. They free range for 2-4 hours a day and I spray down my yard once they return to the coop.

Is there anything I can do to get rid of these flys (by the hundreds!) and prevent their return? My wife and I are talking about selling off our flock of nine if we can't get this under control.

Fly preditors.. Give them this code.. If you order.. 264068298.
Spaulding labs I believe is the place you would order..
Hi everyone I am sooooo excited:woot   my newest hatch is pipping and the first one trying to come out of the shell is a Ayam Cemani ohhhhh I hope it is solid black and okay no problems. It is hatching a day earlier than expected. Pacing the floor right now:bow .  BTW I am going to be letting my proven breeding pair of dark Cornish go I am going more towards the Maran breeds and need the paddock so if you are interested PM me 

I am beyond ****** off really my chick came out with pink skin and then the next one came out golden fluff and then a dark brown followed by two black ones with greenish legs. Not an Ayam Cemani in sight.:he    I contacted the breeder and they said they sent me the wrong box of eggs. REALLY???:/   I asked what did I get and all they can tell me is barnyard mix. They are sending me the correct eggs next week. So now I sit and wait...........  I do have another batch of Cemani or at least they better be hatching next week will keep you all posted.

Come on really ?? What city did you order from?
Come on really ?? What city did you order from?
I bought them from someone on ebay. The good thing is they are replacing them with one or two extra's for free. I will get my replacements next week. But I now have 5 chicks of unknown breed that I am not sure at all that I want to keep. They said there is no way to tell what they are until the feather out since they have 60 breeding paddocks. 'Sigh'
Today I planned to process half a dozen older cockerels (10-14 weeks old) to make room for some of the younger birds. Yesterday I was scoping out which birds to process. Picked six of them. Didn't mark them and didn't set them in a separate space overnight because it seemed so obvious which ones should go. Oops. Today when I went out to start culling the first bird was obvious. So was the second bird. By the third bird everyone in the pen was doing their best impression of a pullet. I wound up only processing three birds because I couldn't tell which of the remaining birds were male. As soon as I was done cleaning up after processing there were four or five obvious cockerels in that pen again. :gig Clever chickens.
:eek: I just read this, and it makes me think I don't want any wild birds coming in my yard or to live near a lake where the ducks are flying in or the migrant birds. Bird flu outbreak spreads to 3 more Midwest turkey farms. Download Drudge Report(@drudgereportapp) from Google Play Store
Something is always after our chicken's in one way or another
Still looking to re-home this young gentleman. He is a 5 month old Bielfelder. He needs a new home ASAP. Good with the hens, good with people and other animals too. He is used to wearing a collar.
I just sent a photo to a friend for you.. She had a dude that was similar to your "Dude's" disposition..
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Come on really ?? What city did you order from?

I bought them from someone on ebay. The good thing is they are replacing them with one or two extra's for free. I will get my replacements next week. But I now have 5 chicks of unknown breed that I am not sure at all that I want to keep. They said there is no way to tell what they are until the feather out since they have 60 breeding paddocks. 'Sigh'  

I bet they got the breed mixed up with a different order.. Did you take photos of the egg's? & chick's

Something is always after our chicken's in be way or another
I just sent a photo to a friend for you.. She had a dude that was similar to your "Dude's" disposition..
It was almost like they knew you were after the boys. Hope you find a home for your roo. I would take him but I am not doing that breed at this time.
I bet they got the breed mixed up with a different order.. Did you take photos of the egg's? & chick's
I do have a photo of the chicks. I will post it here. At least they are making good on the mistake. I told them I was going to turn them into ebay for fraud and got an immediate response. She said she is getting ready for a baby of her own the two legged kind and just got her marbles scrambled. I hope who ever got my chicks appreciates what they got. Or even knows what they got for that matter.


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