Arizona Chickens

How long does a mult last? I have 2 Black Australorps that have been "multing" since early October. And i am starting to get worried. They are both about a year and a half old. 

Just like everything else, time span for molt varies. three months does seem long though. Try feeding additional protein, cooked eggs, meal worms and feeder bugs from feed store etc

X2 agree.. Plus it is winter, they will slow down or just be freeloading until spring. They need a rest even if they are not molting.. Unless you get a leghorn, let lay non stop white egg's for about 2 years. I personally love our duck egg's. Better tasting, they are healthier then chickens, They lay as much as chicken's and I love the water feature. I use the water to water the garden.
  I'm wondering how I will be able to tell if my supposedly Ameraucana from The Stock Shop are truly Ameraucana, or Easter Eggers.  No sign of cheek puffs yet...when do those develop?

What exactly is the difference between 

Auracana - Americana - Easter Egger ???

I had Auracana's  as a teen, and the ones I have now are supposed to be Auracana's...
but they don't look the same as the one's I had as a kid... 


@nicollee if the chicks had puffed cheeks when they were little they would still have them.. If they did not have them, I have never seen any of our chicks start to grow the bearded cheeks later... Here is a good example, 2 sisters. One bearded & the one on the left no beard..
Hey az peeps. I live in maricopa city and need to rehome or someone can cull a disabled orpington roo and 5 ducks 1 male 4 females lay fertile eggs. 1 runner duck and 4 mixed. would like the ducks to have a home but the roo can be someones dinner. Let me know if anyone is interested. Need homes asap thxs

Did you get everything worked out?
I'm looking for any duck breeders in Arizona.  Does anyone have a list somewhere?  I am especially looking for call ducks, but would be happy to know of any duck breeders who sell hatching eggs.  Thanks for any help.

Send me a pm. I have a contact for call ducks, black east indies, rouen, peking, etc.

@houdiniduck I need to add you to the enablers list.. Just the mention of other duck's makes me wish we had more room!! I hope to see you guy's soon.. And bring photos!!
My girls would like a few days to dry out!!  We've had lakes in the chicken yard for the first time ever!  Even the coop feels damp.  Maybe no rain for the next few days?  Then a little sunshine?  Even the garden would say thank you!!  Stay safe out there everyone - everything is still slick or snowy.  

I used a garbage can & went around collecting the water in all of the pot's.. For one reason to use on our seedlings, and 2nd so the mosquitoes won't breed in the water. Can't wait to get them planted.. It's time to start planting seed's ya all..

Here is our citronella plant, I did harvest the seed's.. Hoping they were heirloom..
Is it possible to do deep litter method in AZ with it being so dry and all. Cool it almost ready for my new little group here.
I've got an accumulation of probably about 6 inches of Bermuda grass in my coop. I haven't changed it since I got my birds quite a few months ago. I throw a few handfuls of scratch in there now and then. The birds keep it stirred up that way.
The grass is dry, and doesn't stink.

I'm in NW AZ
Is it possible to do deep litter method in AZ with it being so dry and all. Cool it almost ready for my new little group here.

I've been using deep litter for over a year now...pine chips and straw...and absolutely love it! Not only has it proven beneficial to my chicken's health, but when I do clean out the coops/pens I have good composting material to use in my raised garden beds.

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