Arizona Chickens

Dory Update -

So it has been a long, hard, emotional 2 1/2 weeks, and I have come to a painful coclusion....

Despite my efforts, I don't believe my Dory bird is going to get better. I have hand fed her from day one of sickness, and I think improvement from this point would only be a miracle.

She cannot support her own weight at all on her left leg, is constantly drowsy, and can't even fight me when i feed her. She is bone skinny, as if she isn't absorbing anything she eats, and she just isn't making any forward momentum in his illness.

I'm giving her until Wednesday o prove me wrong, but I am not going to prolong her suffering more than then.

Hard times ahead.... this is my first bird I will/would loose. I can't imagine life without this sweet little polish.

No chicken can replace her spot in my heart. I do hope she proves me wrong, and miraculously gets better.
I'm giving her until Wednesday o prove me wrong, but I am not going to prolong her suffering more than then.

Hard times ahead.... this is my first bird I will/would loose. I can't imagine life without this sweet little polish.

No chicken can replace her spot in my heart. I do hope she proves me wrong, and miraculously gets better.
Sometimes its the painful reality of having a flock of birds. Some just don't make it. A Necropsy (sp) would be most revealing. I don't know if anybody does them your way. It might give you great insight and you'll realize it's not how you took care of this girl - it was life. Sorry you have to go through this - my heart aches for you.
Dory Update -

So it has been a long, hard, emotional 2 1/2 weeks, and I have come to a painful coclusion....

Despite my efforts, I don't believe my Dory bird is going to get better. I have hand fed her from day one of sickness, and I think improvement from this point would only be a miracle.

She cannot support her own weight at all on her left leg, is constantly drowsy, and can't even fight me when i feed her. She is bone skinny, as if she isn't absorbing anything she eats, and she just isn't making any forward momentum in his illness.

I'm giving her until Wednesday o prove me wrong, but I am not going to prolong her suffering more than then.

Hard times ahead.... this is my first bird I will/would loose. I can't imagine life without this sweet little polish.

No chicken can replace her spot in my heart. I do hope she proves me wrong, and miraculously gets better.

Very sorry to hear about your bird. It's hard to lose any animal that you're responsible for. I always feel like I had a hand in it even when I had nothing to do with it. Featherpugs is spot on with her comments.
Dory -

She has officialy passed on. Peacefully in her sleep last night, happy after a formula crumble meal, we will bury her thismorning on our property.

So sorry. At least she's no longer suffering.
I'm so sorry. I know how much you must be hurting, loosing any living being that you care so much for is hard. She's no longer hurting & went peacefully. That's really the best any of us can ask for when the time comes. It still hurts, is disturbing, and doesn't help ease your sorrow. However, as your grief subsides and time passes you'll come to see what purpose Dory's life had in your life, what you learned from her, & that she was a happy, well loved chick. I'm certain that she knew how much you loved & cared for her. You both did the best you could & showed remarkable strength. Unfortunately, some lives are completed much too soon. Perhaps, when you're ready, you could plant something near Dory in her honor. I bet that it would become a beautiful addition to your yard just as she was.
Dory -

She has officialy passed on. Peacefully in her sleep last night, happy after a formula crumble meal, we will bury her thismorning on our property.

Sorry for your loss. As bunsnpupsnchick mentioned above, you could put a plant where you bury her at. Maybe a type of plant that she really liked when she was living.

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